The Patriot Post® · Tuesday Short Cuts

By Jordan Candler ·

The BIG Lie

“Kamala Harris has always been for border security. … Today, border crossings are lower at the southwest border than they were at the end of the Trump presidency.” —Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT)

Reality Check

“There’s a lot of irrational exuberance on the Democratic side of the aisle right now because there was despair for some period of time about what November was going to look like. … But it is absolutely Trump’s race to lose right now. He is ahead, and he is ahead in most of the battleground states. … I think it’s a wide-open race, but Trump has the advantage right now, and … everybody should be sober about that on the Democratic side.” —former Obama adviser David Axelrod

For the Record

“Iran was contained, deterred and increasingly isolated by the burgeoning Sunni-Israeli alliance while Trump was president. Iran is unconstrained and aggressively threatening American assets and allies all over the region under Biden-Harris. That is not a coincidence.” —Ben Shapiro

“Kamala created the inflation that’s crushing hardworking American families. Kamala’s failure as Border Czar left us WIDE OPEN to 10M+ illegal aliens. Kamala’s weakness on the world stage has led to historic foreign policy disasters & new wars. This is the Kamala Harris record.” —Congressman Byron Donalds (R-FL)

“They tanked the economy, opened the border, doubled gas prices, and blundered us into WW III but vote Kamala because Trump will destabilize things.” —Jimmy Failla

“Vice President Harris must immediately — without a script — explain her economic policies. If she can’t answer a single question, she can’t handle the job.” —Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR)

“Would love for Kamala Harris to answer what a Bull Market is, on the spot without notes or a binder.” —Stephen L. Miller

Inquiring Minds Want to Know

“How long until Kamala blames the stock market crash on climate change?” —Tim Young

Praetorian Guard

“The media is about to switch from all systems firing on ‘Kamala will continue Biden’s economic recovery’ for the last two weeks to ‘Kamala will put out the fire caused by Trump’s tax cuts’ and hope nobody notices. Dishonesty is the point. Lying is their value.” —Buck Sexton


“What does [an independent judiciary] mean to you as an American? It means that when you’re unpopular, you can get a fair hearing under the law and under the Constitution. If you’re in the majority, you don’t need judges and juries to hear you and protect your rights. You’re popular! It’s there for the moments when the spotlight’s on you, when the government’s coming after you. And don’t you want a ferociously independent judge and a jury of your peers to make those decisions? Isn’t that your right as an American? And so I just say, be careful.” —Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch