The Patriot Post® · Harris Veers Left for a Veep

By Douglas Andrews ·

In the end, the Jewish question was a bridge too far for the Democrats.

Think about what that matter-of-fact statement says about today’s Democrat Party. This isn’t 1930s Germany, after all. And yet it’s Kristallnacht clear that Kamala Harris and her handlers are afraid of upsetting their Jew-hating base — which is why she opted against selecting Josh Shapiro, a popular, charismatic, relatively moderate Democrat governor of a must-win swing state, and instead settled on an older, further-left, relatively unknown Minnesota governor to be her running mate.

Because the former is Jewish and the latter isn’t. If only we could find a Republican bold enough to speak about this sensitive topic with honesty and clarity. Oh, wait.

“Let’s be honest,” said Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton. “Kamala is the most anti-Israel member of Biden’s team, always siding with Hamas and Iran’s interests. Shapiro and Walz’s views on Israel aren’t that different. But Harris catered to her pro-Hamas, antisemitic base who opposed Shapiro because he’s Jewish.”

“Let’s be clear,” Cotton added a few minutes later. “Kamala didn’t cave to the antisemitic, pro-Hamas wing of the Democratic Party. She belongs to the pro-Hamas wing of the Democratic party.”

He’s right, of course. The Democrats are afraid of losing the “Death to America” vote in Dearborn, Michigan, so they steered clear of the Jewish guy.

Nonetheless, Harris and her Praetorian Guard media will spin the Walz pick as “bold” and “smart” and “savvy” and “inspiring.” Here’s how the gaffe-prone, debate-dodging, interview-avoiding candidate herself announced it to the world: “I am proud to announce that I’ve asked Tim Walz to be my running mate. As a governor, a coach, a teacher, and a veteran, he’s delivered for working families like his. It’s great to have him on the team.”

Pssst, Kamala: You forgot the part about Walz having been governor of Minnesota back in 2020 during that “mostly peaceful” George Floyd Summer of Rage, when rioters and looters and arsonists and other assorted Democrats took to the streets of Minneapolis while Walz pretty much watched it burn.

You remember May 28, 2020, right? That was when Minneapolis’s Third Police Precinct was set upon and torched by the mob. That was a dark day for our nation, and an even darker one for Democrat governance.

And Tim Walz owns it.

Here’s how Republican Majority Whip Tom Emmer, himself a Minnesotan, characterized the Walz pick:

“It’s not surprising Kamala Harris picked Tim Walz to be her running mate — he embodies the same disastrous economic, open-borders, and soft-on-crime policies Harris has inflicted on our country the last four years. Walz is an empty suit who has worked to turn Minnesota into Harris’ home state of California, and solidifies this ticket’s full embrace of a radical, America-last agenda.”

Harris and Walz will make their first public appearance together later today at a rally in Philadelphia. But imagine the optics just below the surface: Here’s the older, crankier version of Tim Kaine I selected instead of your very popular Jewish governor.

“I think Pennsylvania now is wide open for Trump to come in,” said Keystone State radio personality Rich Zeoli. “J.D. Vance brings in the Midwest, so the battle for the Midwest is there. It’s clear. What does Tim Walz bring to the table in Georgia? I mean, this is a guy who signed a law that there had to be tampons in boys’ bathrooms. I don’t really think that plays well in Georgia or North Carolina.”

Indeed, the prospect of Walz debating Donald Trump’s Millennial VP pick JD Vance is a delicious one. Walz is folksy, though, and it’d be a big mistake to underestimate him. But he can’t run away from his record. After all, he supports open borders and he supports sanctuary cities.

As former Trump CIA Director and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo put it: “Kamala Harris and Tim Walz want to make the rest of America look like San Francisco and Minneapolis: High crime, anti-police, high illegal immigration, and support for the pro-Hamas, anti-Israel core of the Democrat party. Harris-Walz is the most radical, extreme leftist ticket our nation has ever seen.”

Many on the Right have already said it, but it bears repeating: This is the most hard-left presidential ticket in our nation’s history. Mark my words: You’re going to be hearing variations of that attack line in your sleep between now and Election Day.

Never fear, though, said Nancy Pelosi on MSNBC earlier today. “To characterize him as ‘left’ is so unreal. [H]e’s right down the middle. He’s a heartland-of-America Democrat.”

And, hey, if anyone knows the heartland of America, it’s a San Francisco leftist.