The Patriot Post® · Your Children's Future Under a Kamala Harris Presidency

By Scarlen Valderaz ·

The concerns over a Kamala Harris presidency are plenty. To every America-loving, republic-respecting patriot, it’s still shocking (not really) that she became the presumptive Democrat nominee without receiving a single vote.

With a snap of the elites’ fingers, Harris is now the mainstream media’s sweetheart who can do no wrong. Her record, however, is that of a callous woman with no scruples who will do what it takes to get the power she is hungry for. Truthfully, a woman who displays this type of leadership should frighten every parent in our country.

So, what would a Kamala Harris presidency look like for our children?

The idea of free speech would become a distant memory. Harris would continue the work that Joe Biden and his handlers have done to trample on free speech. We won’t ever forget the censorship that arose during the COVID era. Those who asked questions or exposed truths were immediately censored and labeled science deniers. When parents became aware of what was happening in their child’s public school, they were labeled domestic terrorists for speaking out at school board meetings.

Pro-life activists were recently jailed for the simple act of praying outside of an abortion clinic. This all happened under the Biden-Harris presidency.

Our daughters will be forced to participate in sports and share bathrooms with mentally ill boys suffering with gender dysphoria. Schools and universities nationwide have allowed mentally ill boys and men to compete in sports with girls and women. This has led to serious injuries and crushing the dreams of girls who have worked hard to compete in their beloved sport. A Kamala Harris presidency will continue to allow this.

Children will belong to the state. This sounds far-fetched until we realize that in some states, this already is a reality. Harris’s home state of California will remove a child from his or her parents’ custody if they don’t affirm their child’s gender confusion. In Washington State, children can join group homes if they feel their parents don’t affirm their gender confusion. Private schools will become beholden to the state, and homeschooling will be targeted because Kamala, a woman who has never borne children, knows what’s best for your children.

Public schools will bear the responsibility of indoctrinating children into believing that the government is king. While this already happens, the Department of Education will play the role of gestapo to ensure that the teachers unions’ will is played out in every school across the country. Harris has already pledged her allegiance to the most powerful teachers union.

Most gruesomely, Harris will work tirelessly to allow the barbaric murder of children in the womb. She has been the proud supporter of the Reproductive FACT Act that forced pregnancy resource centers in California to not only advertise abortions but post a sign on their doors stating they are not a real medical center. While in the U.S. Senate, Harris voted against the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act that would criminalize infanticide and require medical attention to babies born alive after failed abortions.

Harris’s disdain for children will be out in full force should she become president.

There’s no question that a Kamala Harris presidency would be damaging to children nationwide. This election will cement the future that parents will hand off to their children and future generations. We must vote accordingly.