The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Publisher’s Note: We receive hundreds of comments and can only select a few to publish in our Tuesday and Thursday “Reader Comments” section. Every article we post has social media links to start a conversation online and a “Comment” button to send a comment to our editors.

Re: A Trump v Harris Reality Check

“Alexander lays out the clearest and most comprehensive assessment of the Trump and Harris contest anywhere. As he noted with caution, despite the fact that Harris and Walz are clowns, their constituents don’t care. As he also made clear, any Republican who thinks this switch was beneficial to Trump is deep in some Trump echo chamber.” —New York

“The damage that this Harris/Walz ticket will do to our nation will be irreversible for years, most notably given the Supreme Court nominees they will get with the Senate nuclear option. Trump is an easy mark, and Harris and her mainstream media cohorts will take him down, again.” —Washington

“As much populist appeal as Trump has, it is not likely he will overcome the grassroots Democrat voter machine and all those unauthenticated mail ballots. I hope I am wrong, but alas…” —California

“It’s a disgrace that the GOP was not able to elevate a younger, more dynamic candidate to run against what Alexander has said for two years would NOT be Joe Biden. Waiting to see what happens in my hometown of Chicago with the Democrat convention. Probably some protests, but with all the Leftmedia help, I bet it will boost Harris in the polls by five points.” —Illinois

Re: Harris Veers Left for a Veep

“Selecting Tim Walz to be her running mate shows the absolute disdain Kamala Harris has for Israel and the Jews of America. It also shows exactly what her agenda and governing style will be if, heaven forbid, she gets into the White House. One can only hope that this latest slap to the Jewish electorate in the U.S. will wake them up in time for the November elections. There will be consequences!” —California

“Let’s be real. Harris had no more to do with picking Walz as her VP running mate than Joe Biden did with picking Harris as his VP. Deep state socialist Democrat operatives whose agenda is to ‘fundamentally transform the U.S.’ select malleable candidates in hopes that gullible and brainwashed voters will put them in office to do their bidding. That the mainstream media fail to honestly report and expose these operatives suggests they are complicit in their nefarious agenda. The U.S. electorate must wake up and soundly reject the extreme Left’s threat to our republic by voting for only those candidates who stand for our God-inspired traditional values and constitutionally guaranteed freedom and liberty.” —Florida

Re: ‘The Amazing Kamala Harris!’

“Democrats and most of the media are absolutely gaslighting Americans on all things Kamala Harris just as they did with Joe Biden. Biden’s election and presidency can only be described as a Democrat hoax perpetrated on the U.S. and the world with the aid of the mainstream media, and VP Harris and others are guilty of lying and misleading. If we don’t wake up, the joke will be on us — and even more so on our helpless and hapless posterity. The Biden administration has been a severe setback for our nation. Kamala Harris would ensure the demise of the U.S. as a stronghold of individual freedom, liberty, and leadership for the free world.” —Florida

Re: The Debate Over the Presidential Debates

“The best solution for the debate dilemma is for Trump to announce he will debate Kamala twice — first in his chosen venue on Fox, and then (and only then) on ABC. This appears to be a Solomonesque solution that gives both sides what they (say) they want.” —Arizona

Re: Chevron Moves to Greener Pastures

“The California refineries are the only reason the West Coast isn’t paying a dollar a gallon more on top of the already criminal prices. California will regret the day Chevron left when gas goes up a dollar more because of transportation costs. Also, I am concerned that we will be dismantling our fuel production for our military and the Pacific fleet. I don’t think it’s strategically smart to put such an important commodity all in one place. Having multiple refining capabilities spread across the country is more efficient and secure. America needs to read the science for the truth about CO2.” —Oregon

Re: In Brief: Unemployment, Interest Rates, and the Sahm Rule

“Not mentioned in the article but a contributing factor to rising unemployment is the influx of millions of illegal immigrants over the past three-plus years. Taking unskilled, lower-paying jobs and working for cash, they drive the unskilled American worker to unemployment as available jobs disappear. The other effect is the pressure placed on small businesses and fast food restaurants by the absurd $20 minimum wage. When these businesses close, folks are unable to find comparable jobs. Look at California, which has the nation’s highest unemployment rate. And the madness continues. Today, the California fast food workers union and the SEIU are demanding a higher minimum wage a bare eight months after the $20/hour dictum came into place!” —California

Re: Is a ‘Black Swan’ Recession Looming?

“The Democrats destroy everything they get their grimy hands on. They don’t have the word ‘budget’ in their vocabulary. All they know is doing whatever it takes to stay in power so they can destroy more.” —Illinois

Re: Family Malaise

“Back in the day, my local newspaper published the casualties from Vietnam who were residents of Orange County, CA. It was sad reading the names. Imagine if aborted babies were reported in like manner. As Stalin said, one death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic. Since Roe, some 60 million American babies have been aborted. That’s more than all the Americans killed in all the wars since we became a republic. Yet while war to fight aggression anywhere is horrible, today’s sob sisters bewail Palestinian deaths while giving short shrift to the atrocities of the October 7 attack.” —California

Re: In Brief: Josh Shapiro Shouldn’t Apologize for 30-Year-Old Column. He Was Right.

“He was correct in his college op-ed that the Palestinians can never coexist with Israel. Israel gave them their ‘state’ in 2005 when it removed its military and own settlements to cede the Gaza Strip in a unilateral bid for peace. And what did the Palestinians do? They elected Hamas to rule them in 2006 and have been attacking Israel and killing innocents ever since. Kamala was afraid that if she picked a Jew as VP then the pro-Hamas crowd would riot at the convention. A bad choice that only cements the Democrat ticket as far-left Marxists.” —Georgia