August 9, 2024

Planned Parenthood’s New Cash Cow: Testosterone

Aside from being an abortion mill, Planned Parenthood has expanded its services to include cross-sex hormones.

One doesn’t generally associate Planned Parenthood with much besides being the place to get all forms of birth control, including, horrifically, abortion. However, it has now become a place to get something else: testosterone.

We saw signs that Planned Parenthood was jumping on the transgenderism bandwagon two years ago when the organization released a video that marketed hormone therapy as necessary for intersex and so-called transgender individuals.

So not only is testosterone being offered to gender-confused women who want to become more masculine, but intersex people, who have a legitimate medical need, are also being exploited by Planned Parenthood.

According to Jennifer Block in The Free Press:

[Planned Parenthood] has also, in less than a decade, become the country’s leading provider of gender transition hormones for young adults, according to insurance claim data. In 2015, around two dozen of their clinics began offering this service. Now it’s available at nearly 450 locations. Insurance claim information provided to The Free Press by the Manhattan Institute shows that at least 40,000 patients went to Planned Parenthood for this purpose last year alone, a number that has risen tenfold since 2017. The largest proportion, about 40 percent, were 18- to 22-year-olds.

It’s all about the money. And frankly, when it comes to the medical experimentation that transgenderism entails, the money-making potential is astronomical. It’s why Vanderbilt University Medical Center decided to open up a gender clinic. In 2022, The Daily Wire reported that the transgenderism industry was “expected to reach $5 billion by the end of the decade.”

Planned Parenthood executives only do things that line their pockets. Perhaps the most heinous example to date is the case of Deborah Nucatola, Planned Parenthood’s senior director of medical research, who in 2015 was caught via undercover camera selling baby body parts. Recall that Planned Parenthood didn’t get in trouble — the reporters who broke the story did, thanks to then-California Attorney General Kamala Harris.

These were children; they were murdered, and Nucatola wanted to sell their body parts for money. It is still gut-wrenching that the opposite of justice was served.

Planned Parenthood and its affiliates are not there to help anyone but themselves. They don’t help the desperate mother who comes for help, is offered an abortion, and whose abortion aftermath she is often left to deal with alone. And now, Planned Parenthood is preying on teens who are destined to be lifelong patients because of their dabbling in transgenderism.

Political pundit Michael Knowles had this insight in his most recent podcast: “Planned Parenthood exists to promote leftism in sex.” He goes on to give examples — contraception, Plan B (an abortion pill), STD screenings (to promote more promiscuous sex), and now testosterone. This is done in the name of “freedom” and “helping others,” but at the end of the day, Planned Parenthood is going to help itself regardless of the human cost it leaves in its wake.

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