The Patriot Post® · Tuesday Short Cuts

By Jordan Candler ·

Say That Again … Slowly

“I’ve said it once and I will say it again, parents don’t want politicians dictating what their children can learn, think and believe. That’s not how public education is supposed to work in a free country.” —Education Secretary Miguel Cardona


“While some politicians sow chaos in the classroom, the Biden-Harris team is equipping schools and kids with the resources they need to thrive.” —Miguel Cardona


“These guys come up with the weirdest d*mn ideas that you will ever imagine.” —Democrat VP pick Tim Walz

“When I am president, we will … eliminate taxes on tips for service and hospitality workers.” —Trump copyist Kamala Harris

Yellow Journalism

“No other Democratic nominee has taken a position this tough on border security since Bill Clinton.” —The New York Times regarding Kamala Harris

Circling the Wagons

“The fact that a veteran [JD Vance] wants to go out and disparage another veteran [Tim Walz] just goes against certainly everything I learned during my time in service. … The fact that they have to go back to find a clip from 2018 to find the one time that he slipped up … it’s kind of an exception that proves the rule in terms of how hard you have to look to find Tim Walz saying anything that isn’t precise and accurate.” —Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg

Spin Doctor

“A number of my Democratic colleagues in the House and Senate thought that I was going to hurt them in the races. And I was concerned if I stayed in the race, that would be the topic — you’d be interviewing me about why did Nancy Pelosi say [something] … and I thought it’d be a real distraction.” —Joe Biden

Grand Delusions

“I have no serious [health] problem.” —Joe Biden

“[Trump’s] a genuine danger to American security.” —Joe Biden

The BIG Lies

“Those neo-Nazis and white supremacists. … [Trump] said, ‘There are very fine people on both sides.’ I knew then — I knew I had to do something. And that’s how I decided to run. Because democracy is literally at stake.” —Joe Biden

“Look at what we were able to do. We created 16 million jobs. Real, new jobs.” —Joe Biden

Political Futures

“Kamala has reversed the usual dynamic for getting considered a JFK- or Obama-level political talent: She is great because she’s the Democratic nominee; she’s not the Democratic nominee because she’s great. … Coach Walz, as Kamala dubbed her running mate Tim Walz, may have told his football players at some point that ‘there’s no substitute for going out and earning it.’ Kamala 2024 is a testament to the fact that, actually, there is.” —Rich Lowry

“Trump supporters who insist everyone needs to swallow their pride, stop complaining and get on board can say that from being on board already. But plenty of voters want to be wooed and know, from a practical point of view, Trump needs them. They do not need him. He must persuade them. Bullying them will only make them stay home or vote for the opposition.” —Erick Erickson

Re: The Left

“The 2028 Summer Olympic Games are going to be in Los Angeles. Is this what we have to look forward to — more in-your-face disdain for women’s sports and more IOC-sanctioned beating up of women by males in the boxing ring? Let’s hope this isn’t the case. But considering it’s being held in California, the likelihood is very high that progressives there will try to top Paris’s wokeness.” —Emmy Griffin

Newfound Perspective

“Brittney Griner went from kneeling for the national anthem to standing proud [at the Olympics] with tears streaming down her face.” —OutKick

“There might not be an athlete who has had a bigger turnaround when it comes to playing for the United States than Brittney Griner.” —Dan Zaksheske

“From suffering comes wisdom and from painful experience comes growth.” —Jeff Jacoby