The Patriot Post® · Never Forget

By Gary Bauer ·

This month is the third anniversary of the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan. It is an anniversary that the Biden/Harris administration would prefer we forget. Biden rejected the advice of our military leaders who told him that his surrender plan was fatally flawed and unnecessarily risked the lives of our brave men and women in uniform. Harris stood with Biden against the military.
We all know what happened next. Chaos erupted at the Kabul Airport. On August 26, 2021, a suicide bomber penetrated our security perimeter at the Abbey Gate and killed 13 of our courageous warriors in a bomb attack. Many, many more suffered horrendous wounds that they will carry with them for life. The world saw it and decided Biden/Harris were weak.
To “celebrate” this third anniversary of our humiliation, the Taliban organized a military parade at Bagram. They proudly displayed the American weapons and vehicles left behind by Biden/Harris, including helicopters, Humvees and tanks. Newsweek reports that over 10,000 men participated.
Neither Biden nor Harris have ever taken responsibility or apologized for the needless deaths of our military heroes. Adding insult to injury, when our dead were returned to Dover Air Force Base, families were shocked to see Biden repeatedly looking at his watch as if he had somewhere better to be. Gold Star mothers said they felt disrespected by Biden’s actions. One grieving family member yelled, “burn in hell” at Biden when he left. 
May God comfort these families today. Biden and Harris want us to forget the results of their weak policies. We have a chance in November to make it clear that we remember.