The Patriot Post® · Latinos Against Kamala Harris

By Scarlen Valderaz ·

The Latino community is experiencing a political shift to the right. The Democrat Party has relied on them for so long but now finds itself losing this voting base rapidly. Not only has the Democrat agenda gone too far, but Latinos are also becoming comfortable with identifying as politically conservative because conservative values are engrained in our culture and traditions.

Last week, influencer Dom Lucre and Latinos for America First Executive Director Bianca Gracia successfully led a Zoom call with Latinos across the country who are united to help elect President Donald Trump to the White House. From California to Tennessee to New York, Latinos voiced their concerns about the damage a Harris administration will do to our country. Among the topics discussed were illegal immigration, public education, abortion, and inflation.

Coincidently, some topics that Latinos are most concerned about are also topics that Democrats use to pander to Latinos. The Left believes that open borders and abortion are the compassionate answer to the issues Latinos face. The reality is that we believe in following the laws of the country we live in, and we do not believe that murdering a baby is the answer to any economic problems we may have.

Illegal immigration has quickly become an issue that Latinos have become vocal about. We don’t believe our borders should be left wide open to anyone who wants to come across them. Illegal immigration has resulted in heinous crimes that have affected our communities. Let’s not forget the brutal murder of 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray. She was attacked and left to die by Venezuelan illegal immigrants in a Houston bayou due to the open border policies that Kamala Harris supports.

Latinos value life in the womb. For most of us, the topic of abortion was never discussed in our home because it’s not something we believe in. For many, the first time we heard of abortion was either in school or through American celebrities we followed. Latino families protect their children at all costs, and we know that a Harris presidency will be an attack on our families.

Another topic that Latinos have become vocal about is gender ideology and the transgender agenda in public schools. We don’t believe in numerous genders or that people can switch their gender on any given day. We know that boys are boys and girls are girls. Unfortunately, this harmful ideology has seeped into public schools, and in some states educators must teach children about transgenderism. This has led many parents (not just Latinos) to pull their children from public school, causing a boom in private school enrollment and homeschooling.

Like all Americans, Latinos are fed up with the rising costs of gas, groceries, and utilities. While governors like California’s Gavin Newsom reassure us that our utilities are not expensive, we find ourselves paying double or triple the amount we once paid just to keep cool during the summer. We know that a Kamala Harris presidency will likely worsen our economy.

Democrats are out of touch with the American people. Their allegiance is now to the radical leftist agenda and not the people. They have gone too far, and Latinos nationwide are waving “Adios” to Kamala Harris and the Democrat Party.