The Patriot Post® · Good News: Medical Outfit Reverses Course on Transing the Kids

By Emmy Griffin ·

American medical associations, particularly the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) and the U.S. Endocrine Society, have been the leading “experts” on medical care for people struggling with transgenderism. It is they who have insisted that the “Dutch Protocol” — i.e., “gender-affirming care,” or the practice of unconditionally affirming patients’ delusions about their perceived gender identity — is the only way to properly treat gender dysphoria.

WPATH and the U.S. Endocrine Society have pulled a fast one on the public. Instead of sound, steady research to study the effects of gender-affirming care, these associations have decided to cite one another and depend on the grace and goodwill of their doctor colleagues not to look deeper into their “research.” This despite the fact that WPATH has been exposed for malpractice.

The disastrous line of thinking behind gender-affirming care has led suffering people down a path of medical dependency via cross-sex hormones, puberty blockers, and even gender mutilation surgeries. These major medical associations, in partnership with the government, have also shut down any dissent and insisted that there is complete consensus among doctors. For the record, there are plenty of doctors speaking out against gender affirmation.

There has been longstanding research done on the harmful effects of gender-affirming care, and after a review of the science by respected doctor Hilary Cass, the UK opted to ban puberty blockers for minors. Instead, it wants to treat most cases of gender dysphoria with psychotherapy — because nine times out of 10, gender dysphoria isn’t the real mental illness but a manifestation of a different psychopathy. This stance hasn’t changed since the Labour Party came to power, either.

The problem for the United States is that the Left made transgenderism a political issue, dividing us along partisan lines. President Joe Biden and his administration even endorsed gender mutilation surgeries for minors under the guidance of WPATH and Dr. “Rachel” (Richard) Levine.

Now, though, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) has come out challenging the consensus about mutilating minors.

Sadly, it’s not necessarily altruism that prompted the ASPS to question the wisdom of lopping off young women’s breasts, but rather litigation. According to a City Journal report, “Almost two dozen lawsuits by detransitioners against clinics and clinicians are currently underway, and at least seven of the defendants in these cases are ASPS members.” These surgeons and/or their practices are being sued by detransitioners who deeply regret the medical procedures they were led to believe would help them. Some of these victims claim they were misled and told that mutilation of their reproductive organs would be healthy for them. Chloe Cole was butchered at 15, though some were as young as 13. Isn’t the first rule of doctoring to do no harm?

The ASPS’s motive notwithstanding, this is good news for the United States. This means the leftist ideaologues’ monopoly on medical care for gender dysphoria is starting to crack. With more lawsuits coming down the pike and more detransitioners telling their horror stories, there is reason to hope that light and reason will eradicate this pernicious cult-like ideology that has already done so much harm.