The Patriot Post® · Friday Short Cuts

By Jordan Candler ·

“Tone Down the Rhetoric”

“Let me tell you what our Project 2025 is: Beat the hell out of them. I mean it.” —Joe Biden

Non Compos Mentis

“He ought to get a job.” —Joe Biden when asked, “Mr. Trump says he wants to Make America Affordable Again. Your response?”

The BIG Lie

“My policies are working. Start writing that way.” —Joe Biden

Political Futures

“Let’s face it: President Joe Biden was former President Donald Trump’s clearest path to victory. And the gift that kept on giving has laid its last golden egg. … Trump needs a course correction … and quickly. … Three things are a political imperative to get the Trump Train back on its tracks: Stay on mission. … Focus on pocketbook politics. … Help down-ticket races. … The winning side will be the one that makes the fewest mistakes and stays on mission.” —Armstrong Williams

For the Record

“Kamala Harris would rather cause a literal food shortage then admit that her decision to cast the tying vote to print trillions of dollars is what caused everything to become stupid expensive.” —Greg Price

“Early voting in Pennsylvania opens on September 16. How utterly insane is that?” —Josh Hammer

“We live in a propaganda state — and that’s very dangerous for self-government.” —Mollie Hemingway

Non Compos Mentis

“I became a board member at Harley-Davidson. Now you could ask, what am I doing here? And of course Harley’s all about the sound and the smell of the Harley-Davidson, isn’t it? So I became the Taliban again in a sustainable way. I decided to chair — actually, create a sustainability committee … which I’m still chairing today.” —Harley-Davidson CEO Jochen Zeitz

Re: Nihilism

“Science, properly done, is supposed to be about the pursuit of truth. But without God as the ultimate source of truth, men soon come to believe that the truth is whatever they say it is, then demand that others agree. In other words, they try to make themselves God. … Those pushing to further reduce Christianity’s influence on Western civilization — or eliminate Western civilization itself — will soon find that what takes its place is not a secular utopia of multicultural respect and scientific rationality but a bloody morass of sectarian conflict, widespread ignorance, routine violence and subjugation of the weak by those in power. In other words, the status quo before Christianity.” —Laura Hollis