The Patriot Post® · Who's in Charge?

By Roger Helle ·

An amazing phenomenon is happening in America. It seems the country is running on autopilot! No one is actually in charge. We have elected the most incompetent leadership to public office and, in turn, have appointed the most incompetent people they could find to run the various agencies. Most frightening is that when something goes wrong, no one is responsible.

Joe Biden couldn’t be charged for his violation of secret documents because he was old and had a bad memory. But he could still run the country and have the nuclear codes at his disposal. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! He had to drop out of the reelection campaign because everyone saw his cognitive state on national TV. You couldn’t unsee it. But leave him in charge?

This isn’t new, and let’s be honest, it includes Republicans as well. But Democrats are perfecting it; it’s called “denial.” For almost the entire eight years of Barack Obama’s presidency, he blamed George W. Bush for the problems in the nation. Nearly four years into Biden’s administration, Joe blames Donald Trump for inflation, the economy, the border, climate change — anything he can get the media to parrot for him.

Now we have Kamala Harris, who has risen like a phoenix from the ashes of being the most incompetent, disliked politician in decades to being our savior. She’s the most exciting thing since … since … since the last shiny thing! Now she’s blaming Trump for the nation’s problems. Does anyone take responsibility for anything anymore?

Biden swore no one told him pulling out of Afghanistan in the middle of the night was a bad idea. If that’s true, heads should have rolled. Or was this buried because Joe couldn’t remember what they told him? Inquiring minds want to know. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg spends $7 billion on charging stations, with seven built so far. Anyone in charge here? Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin goes AWOL for days, and no one is in charge of the Department of Defense. No reprimand or even a slap on the hand.

The former president of the United States was nearly assassinated because of incompetent Secret Service leadership, which seems to have been okay with Trump not being protected like he should. It would have been a shame if the assassin were successful and Trump could not be reelected (said no one on “The View”!).

Some years ago, two former Navy SEAL Officers wrote a book titled Extreme Ownership. In the book, these two former SEAL Team leaders, who led the most highly decorated Special Operations Units of the Iraq War, tell how it’s done. It’s not by blaming everyone else. They both say that there are no bad teams, just bad leaders. Maybe that explains Kamala’s 92% staff turnover?

These warriors faced the most hostile environment in Iraq: the battle for Ramadi. When things went wrong, they took ownership; they didn’t blame-shift or make excuses. They fixed it and made the most impossible situation work. Now they teach these principles to teams everywhere — businesses, military, first responders, and law enforcement.

It’s encouraging to see more former warriors running for and elected to public office. They know the high cost of failure and take responsibility for mistakes. I challenge President Trump to not repeat the same mistakes of his first administration. Trump took credit for everything good that happened, and there were many good things. But no one is perfect, and Trump deflected the blame for mistakes.

We need real leaders who refuse to pass the buck and refuse to blame others. We need leaders who will actually lead America into the future while there’s still time.

Something to pray about!
Semper Fidelis