The Patriot Post® · Monday: Below the Fold

By Douglas Andrews, Thomas Gallatin, & Jordan Candler ·


  • Jew-haters converge on DNC in Chicago: “Killer Kamala,” read one sign from an anti-Israel group stationed outside the United Center in Chicago, the site of this week’s Democratic National Convention. “Globalize the intifada,” read another. Clearly, the Democrat Party’s base has its priorities in order. And if, as Marx once said, history repeats itself “first as tragedy, then as farce,” then the authorities who are trying to prevent a repeat of the 1968 DNC have their work cut out for them. “Hundreds of people rallying against the Israel-Hamas war and restrictions on reproductive rights kicked off the first protest of the Democratic National Convention on Sunday,” reports the Chicago Sun-Times, “but they were met by an even larger showing from Chicago police.” Democrat politics make strange bedfellows, though, as embodied in this disjointed quote from one of the belligerents: “Rhetoric does not deliver abortion care from someone in a state that has a six-week abortion ban. What we need is action. We need the end to funding to Israel and the end of delivery of weapons.” Abortion on demand or the eradication of the Jews. Can’t these folks make up their minds?

  • DNC vasectomies and abortions: Get free vasectomies and abortions just outside the Democratic National Convention today. As The New York Times reports, “This convention is likely to be a head-on display of a new, unbridled abortion politics.” The message is clear: Democrats don’t like children. They are literally celebrating pregnancy prevention and pregnancy elimination. Convention attendants will be greeted by a number of demonstrations, including a giant “inflatable IUD” promoting birth control. Democrats see abortion rights as their leading platform issue, which explains why they are going to extreme and grotesque levels to market it. Kamala Harris’s running mate, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, will focus his convention speech on the campaign’s support for abortion and IVF. As Not the Bee’s Joel Abbott sarcastically observes, “Looks like the Democrats are working hard to prove the nickname ‘Party of Death’ is false!”

  • Lawmakers launch investigation into Walz over “extensive” ties to Communist China (Daily Wire)

  • House GOP impeachment inquiry report: House Republicans have released their impeachment inquiry report on Joe Biden, and there’s no question it was timed to coincide with the Democrats kicking off their convention in Chicago. The Republicans launched their investigation last September, and according to the 292-page report, they “have accumulated evidence demonstrating that President Biden has engaged in impeachable conduct.” The report notes that Biden engaged in a “conspiracy to monetize his office of public trust to enrich his family.” Republicans also allege that Biden family members raked in more than $27 million, largely from foreigners, by “leading those interests to believe that such payments would provide them access to and influence with President Biden.” The report details, “As Vice President, President Biden actively participated in his conspiracy by, among other things, attending dinners with his family’s foreign business partners and speaking to them by phone, often when being placed on speakerphone by Hunter Biden.” It adds, “Based on the totality of evidence, it is inconceivable that President Biden did not understand that he was taking part in an effort to enrich his family by abusing his office of public trust.”

  • Mo Dowd says the quiet part out loud: It was a bloodless coup carried out by the most powerful people in the Not-So-Democratic Party, but the Democrats and their Leftmedia fellow travelers have insisted on trying to portray it as a selfless and heroic choice made by a Rushmore-worthy Joe Biden. Finally, though, someone on the Left has let slip the truth. “The Dems Are Delighted,” reads the headline to New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd’s latest column. “But a Coup Is Still a Coup.” Indeed it is, and Dowd makes no apologies for it. She writes, “Even though it was the right thing to do, because Joe Biden was not going to be able to campaign, much less serve as president for another four years, in a fully vital way, it was a jaw-dropping putsch.” This week’s DNC will ignore all this intrigue in an effort to present a harmonious house, a unified front, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t there. Biden will take the stage tonight to paper over all the bitterness, but it won’t work. He was kicked to the curb by his own party, and everyone knows it.

  • Undemocratic Michigan Democrats remove Cornel West from ballot: If the Democrats really think Donald Trump is an “existential threat” to “our democracy,” they sure have a funny way of showing it. Not content to have kicked Robert F. Kennedy Jr. off the ballot in New York, the party of Kamala Harris has now succeeded in throwing civil rights activist and third-party candidate Cornel West off the ballot in the crucial swing state of Michigan. The reason for this ouster? According to Jonathan Brater, Michigan’s elections director, “The affidavits of identity submitted to the Secretary of State’s Office in June for West and his vice presidential running mate, Melina Abdullah, were not properly notarized.” Let’s be clear: Cornel West wouldn’t have taken a single vote from Trump. But he most definitely would’ve pulled a few disgruntled progressives away from Harris. And in a purplish state like Michigan, those few votes could make all the difference.


  • SCOTUS blocks Biden’s Title IX rewrite: By a 5-4 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court blocked the Biden administration’s attempt to force all schools to allow males into women’s spaces. The justices rejected the Biden administration’s redefinition of “sex” to include “sexual orientation and gender identity.” Under the rewritten rules, any schools that receive federal funding would be required to allow gender-bending males into girls’ bathrooms, locker rooms, and sports teams. The rule change also gutted due process rights for students accused of sexual assault. The four justices who sided with the Biden administration were Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, Ketanji Brown Jackson, and Neil Gorsuch. U.S. District Judge Terry Doughty, who blocked the Biden administration’s rule change for 26 states, observed, “Title IX was written and intended to protect biological women from discrimination. … Enacting the changes in the Final Rule would subvert the original purpose of Title IX: protecting biological females from discrimination.” This decision is a big win for women and common sense.


  • DeSantis calls for review of Sasse’s expenses as UF president: In 2022, when the University of Florida’s Board of Trustees selected former Nebraska Republican Senator Ben Sasse as the university’s next president, they were confident that they’d found the right man from among more than 700 candidates. But Sasse has since left that post due to his wife’s epilepsy diagnosis, and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is calling for an investigation into the seemingly exorbitant presidential spending during Sasse’s brief tenure. Clearly, the governor isn’t afraid to police his own. As the Washington Examiner reports, “Sasse reportedly spent $17.3 million in his first year as president of the university, which was up from the $5.6 million his predecessor, Kent Fuchs, spent in his last year. A majority of the spending came from big contracts with consulting firms and high-salaried remote positions for former staffers of Sasse while he was a senator.” Sasse, meanwhile, has explained himself in a lengthy X post.

Second Amendment

  • Deer hunting and “gun violence”: A recently released study claims that deer hunting contributes to higher levels of “gun violence.” Set aside the fact that there is no such thing as “gun violence,” since guns are merely tools wielded by individuals and, as such, have no volition to do anything. The researchers of this purported “study” admit that they only took “shooting data from a single source, the GVA [Gun Violence Archive],” which is an anti-Second Amendment group. They further acknowledge, “Data from GVA have been shown to have a bias toward incidents that receive more media attention and do not include comprehensive counts of firearm suicides.” So, the researchers effectively admit that their study is worthless. What does this “study” purport to show? It basically claims that in 854 rural counties across the U.S., the number of firearms-related shootings rose significantly a week prior to hunting season. The conclusion, according to these “researchers,” is that “the role of firearm prevalence in gun violence … suggest[s] the need for focused policies designed to reduce firearm violence in areas with substantial hunting activity during the first weeks of deer hunting season.” In other words, we need to take away guns. It’s enough to make one wonder if a deer commissioned this study.


  • X says it is closing operations in Brazil due to judge’s content orders (Reuters)

  • UN watchdog “extremely concerned” about safety at Russian-controlled nuclear power plant in Ukraine (The Hill)

  • Ukraine’s offensive derails secret efforts for partial ceasefire with Russia (Washington Post)

  • Two senior Hamas operatives killed in IDF drone strike in West Bank (Times of Israel)


  • “This administration is orchestrating a massive shell game”: CBP releases July border encounter numbers (Daily Wire)

  • Buying a home is going through changes (Morning Brew)

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