The Patriot Post® · The American Diet and Medical System Are Killing Us

By Scarlen Valderaz ·

Political pundit Tucker Carlson’s latest show features siblings Calley and Casey Means. Calley was a Big Pharma lobbyist and Casey was a Standford-educated surgeon. Both left their industries after discovering that their professions were killing Americans.

It has been known for some time that Big Food and Big Pharma have caused damage to everyday Americans, but many are just now learning how deep of a hole we are in as a country.

Calley points to the ties that Big Food has to cigarette companies. For example, Nabisco was owned by Marlboro, and Kool-Aid and Chips Ahoy were once owned by the Virginia Slim cigarette company. This isn’t the case anymore, but marketing tactics remain the same, and the goal of creating an addicting product has not changed.

What is most concerning is not only the amount of lobbying that Big Food does in Washington, DC, but also the damage that addictive processed foods have done to our bodies.

Casey speaks in depth about the harm that the American diet — which consists of highly processed foods, additives, and soda — does to our body. American children are suffering from illnesses and diseases that were considered rare for children just a generation ago, obesity and diabetes being the most popular illnesses. Children are going into puberty younger than ever due to the amount of estrogen found in our foods and their packaging.

Casey, a former surgeon, also speaks about how our current medical model is complicit. She begins the show by describing what led her to leave her prestigious career. She speaks of her training and how medical professionals in training are taught to go after the symptoms and not the root cause of one’s symptoms. She informs us about the ties that Big Pharma has to medical schools and how their training is influenced by the most influential pharmaceutical companies. Casey describes how the average American sees a specialist for each symptom or illness, but no one makes the connection to the whole body.

The current medical system essentially plays whack-a-mole with patients and never treats the whole body. This, of course, makes the specialists money, but it also creates lifelong patients who will rely on the medical system until their final days.

Both Calley and Casey speak of the childhood vaccine schedule and focus on the Hep B vaccine given to infants in their first day of life. Why does every baby born in a hospital need a vaccine that is only necessary for individuals who are sexually active? The answer is lobbying and money. Once Big Pharma can successfully add a vaccine onto the childhood vaccine schedule, our government spends millions of taxpayer dollars to make the vaccine available at every hospital in the country.

This topic can get dark and ugly quickly, but it is important to note that Americans are beginning to wake up. Parents nationwide are beginning to question and decline or delay the vaccines on the childhood vaccine schedule.

Americans are beginning to make different choices when it comes to food and household items. The COVID pandemic prompted many people to begin growing their own food again and build relationships with their local farmers. Cookbooks like “Nourishing Traditions” by Sally Fallon, founder of the Weston A. Price Foundation, have become a staple in many American kitchens, and practicing nose-to-tail consumption has become a trend.

Is this scaring Big Food? Hopefully. Americans deserve nourishing food, and what’s currently being offered by Big Food isn’t that.