The Patriot Post® · Wednesday: Below the Fold

By Douglas Andrews, Thomas Gallatin, & Jordan Candler ·


  • New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez resigns from Senate after bribery convictions (AP)

  • Schumer ignores Jew-haters in his midst: For a guy who says he’ll always “stand up to anti-Semitism,” Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer sure has a funny way of showing it. After all, there he was yesterday, speaking to the faithful at the Democratic National Convention, pointing to a little piece of bling on his lapel and telling the gullible that he’s “wearing this blue square to stand up to anti-Semitism” — all while ignoring the filthy Jew-hating mob outside the convention. As The Washington Free Beacon reports, “Schumer’s comments come as anti-Israel protesters have descended on the DNC, displaying Hezbollah flags and harassing an Orthodox Jewish group that held a convention event on anti-Semitism on Tuesday. The protesters chanted, ‘Brick by brick, wall by wall, Zionism has got to fall,’ disrupting the event organized by the Jewish group Agudath Israel of America.” Why, it’s as if Schumer were trying to paper over this hatred so as not to stir up resentment among his party’s pro-Hamas base.

  • Democratic National Convention draws 20 million on first night, surpassing RNC viewership (Deadline)

  • Kamala Harris accepts DNC’s ceremonial nomination for president 100 miles away from convention site (NY Post)

  • Ex-Trump press secretary Stephanie Grisham says he mocked his supporters as “basement dwellers” (NBC News)

  • DNC platform endorses radical plan to grant citizenship to illegal immigrants (Daily Wire)

  • Satire: Black people turned away in droves as Democrats require photo ID to enter convention (Babylon Bee)

  • COVID revisionism: There’s a good argument to be made that the primary reason Donald Trump lost the 2020 election was the COVID pandemic. If it weren’t for COVID, Americans would not have suffered through nearly four abysmal years of a Biden/Harris administration. Democrats know COVID helped get them into the White House, so they look upon the pandemic with nostalgia rather than revulsion. Democrats have been highlighting COVID during their convention as if it was the best part of the Biden/Harris administration. Democrats present the story of the pandemic as Trump’s disaster and Biden/Harris as the nation’s saviors. In doing so, they spin fabrications about both Trump’s comments and actions and Democrat leaders’ responses. Just one example of this is a claim by Representative Robert Garcia (D-CA): “[Trump] told us to inject bleach into our bodies, peddled conspiracy theories across the country.” They spin forced school shutdowns that dragged on for over a year and a half, especially in blue states, and blame Trump for the negative impact this had on kids. The truth is that it was Democrats who kept on insisting on keeping kids out of school and at home. Trump continuously called for the opposite. But Democrats are always on the right side of revisionist history.

  • A rift in Big Labor? At the Republican National Convention last month, Teamsters President Sean O'Brien did what no labor boss had ever done: he showed up and gave a speech. Big Labor has long acted as a super PAC for Democrats, and this campaign season is no different, so O'Brien’s willingness to speak at the RNC appears to have him put him at odds with the DNC and fellow union boss, United Auto Workers President Shawn Fain. O'Brien was not invited to speak at the DNC. On Tuesday, Fain, who spoke at the DNC the night before wearing a “Trump is a scab” T-shirt endorsing Kamala Harris for president, questioned O'Brien’s rationale for speaking at the RNC: “I mean, if the Republican Party gave me a reason to believe they cared about workers, we would, you know, entertain things like that. But I don’t see any evidence of that.” Fain falsely accused Republicans of voting against “every piece of legislation … that pertains to making things better for working-class people.” O'Brien, for his part, noted that he is “a lifelong Democrat, always will be a lifelong Democrat.” However, unlike Fain, O'Brien did not endorse either candidate because there are a lot of Teamsters who support Donald Trump.

  • KY governor yearns for someone to rape a loved one of JD Vance: Andy Beshear is a unique political animal: a twice-elected Democrat governor of a deep-red state. But while he’s carefully cultivated a “sensible centrist” brand, he let the mask slip yesterday on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” when he expressed his desire that one of Republican vice presidential candidate JD Vance’s family members be subjected to a rape — you know, as a means of empathy training. “JD Vance calls pregnancy resulting from rape ‘inconvenient,’” said Beshear. “Inconvenience is traffic. I mean, it is a — make him go through this.” In fairness to Beshear, he clearly said “him,” so perhaps he was hoping Vance would be raped into pregnancy. Because, as the Democrats point out, men can get pregnant. Beshear was apparently referring to a comment Vance made back in 2021 about abortion exceptions for rape and incest. In response, Vance posted on X: “What the hell is this? Why is Andy Beshear wishing that a member of my family would get raped?!? What a disgusting person.” It’s hard to argue with Vance’s assessment.

  • ABC News debate moderator ties Trump to KKK: We wish the Left would make up its mind. Is Donald Trump the second coming of Hitler or the second coming of former Democrat Senator Robert Byrd? It would appear to be the latter if we’re to believe ABC News host and upcoming presidential debate moderator Linsey Davis, who on Monday, during an interview with Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, suggested a connection between Trump and the Ku Klux Klan due to a planned campaign stop in a particular Michigan town. “As you know,” said Davis to Whitmer, “former President Donald Trump is expected to go campaign in Howell, Michigan, tomorrow. Many people are aware that a month ago, in Howell, KKK protesters marched in the streets with the white robes on and suggested that they support Donald Trump.” If Davis were just any Leftmedia hack, we might just shrug our shoulders. But she’ll be co-moderating ABC’s presidential debate in Pennsylvania next month. We wonder: Why didn’t Davis mention that Joe Biden himself spoke in Howell in 2021?

  • Another lie: Tim Walz did not use IVF to start family, as he’s repeatedly claimed in attacks against Trump ticket (Daily Wire)

  • RFK’s running mate suggests ticket may drop out, join forces with Trump to stop Harris (Fox News)


  • SHOCKER: Jobs numbers adjusted downward by 818,000: There are only three certainties in life: death, taxes, and the after-the-fact downward adjustment of jobs numbers during Democrat presidential administrations. The latest example came late this morning when Joe Biden’s Bureau of Labor Statistics revised downward its jobs-created number for the year through March by a whopping 818,000, including a drop of 115,000 manufacturing jobs. As CNBC reports, job growth so far this year has been 30% lower than first reported. We’ve got to hand it to them, though: This is an audacious example of cooking the books. And, as is the case with all such corrections, for every 10 people who’ve heard about the millions of jobs created under Joe Biden’s swell economy, only a small fraction of them will hear about this, er, correction. Indeed, 818,000 is a HUGE number, the biggest such downward in 15 years. Which would put the last one right smack dab in the middle of the [checks notes] job-killing Obama administration. Imagine that.

  • Noncompete ban tossed: U.S. District Judge Ada Brown struck down the Federal Trade Commission’s recent rule banning employers from using noncompete agreements to prevent employees from leaving their jobs to join a rival company. Brown ruled that the FTC had gone beyond its authority in creating the new rule, writing, “The role of an administrative agency is to do as told by Congress, not to do what the agency thinks it should do.” The FTC trotted out its ban back in April. It was understandably popular with workers, offering them more freedom to move between companies. Furthermore, the FTC estimated that the ban would increase employee salaries. Following the introduction of the new rule, a Dallas-based software company, Ryan LLC, sued the FTC, arguing that the rule disincentivized employers from investing in and providing training and skill development for their employees. Judge Brown also ruled that the FTC “lacks statutory authority to retroactively invalidate millions of existing contracts.” The FTC says it will appeal the decision.

  • Ford delays new EV plant, cancels electric three-row SUV as it shifts strategy (CNBC)

  • Consumers are putting off home improvement projects (Morning Brew)


  • Hate map of leftists: A new group named the New Tolerance Campaign (NTC) bills itself as “a watchdog organization mobilizing Americans to confront intolerance double-standards by establishment institutions, civil rights groups, universities, and socially-conscious brands.” It is a grassroots nonprofit that heralds “real tolerance” as its creed. Taking a page from the infamous Southern Poverty Law Center, NTC also provides a “hate map” on its site. The difference is NTC’s hate map pointedly observes that the methodology it uses to classify an organization or individual for its hate map is that they have “promoted, inspired, or directly engaged in physical violence against those with whom they disagree.” The group adds, “This list was compiled through an extensive review of extremist group publications and materials, and reports by the public, law enforcement, field sources and the news media.” Currently, 192 organizations or individuals are listed on the NTC hate map, including the SPLC.

  • Cal State, University of California ban encampments, impose protest rules (EdSource)

  • DNC turns women’s restrooms into “all-gender” rooms, offers Islamic prayer mats in prayer room (Christian Post)

  • Abortion, trans surgeries on children: Five notable provisions in the Democratic Party platform (Christian Post)


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