The Patriot Post® · Are 'Racism and Sexism' Really Kamala's Biggest Hurdles?

By Samantha Koch ·

As the 2024 Democratic National Convention unfolds in Chicago, we are learning from both speakers and media commentators what the party’s priorities are and how Democrats plan to overcome the challenge of bolstering a candidate who has a reputation for insincerity, obnoxious laughter, and lack of job performance (among other things).

Bill Clinton was one to offer a glowing endorsement of the newly installed Democrat candidate, saying, “Kamala Harris is the only candidate in this race who has the vision, the experience, the temperament … to get something done.”

Usually, a campaign to popularize a presidential hopeful could be easily achieved by listing the candidate’s accomplishments and successes in past roles. However, in the case of Kamala Harris, none of those elements exists (ask any of her supporters). She’s been vice president for three and a half years, and most people don’t like what’s been done over that time. The strategy, instead, is to disparage the very country she intends to lead and insult anyone who says she will not get their vote.

Kamala Harris is black and she’s a woman. Her greatest achievement is being born as such. Therefore, her mark in history will be made by overcoming the hurdles of racism and sexism that we’re told are still rampant in today’s America.

Former White House Press Secretary-turned-MSNBC host Jen “Circle Back” Psaki said as much recently on the “Pod Save America” podcast. She argued that any lack of popularity for a Harris candidacy or presidency is not about her dismal record as vice president but because “we live in a country that is sexist and racist.”

Other Leftmedia outlets echoed similar concerns even before Kamala was undemocratically selected to replace Biden in the presidential race. The greatest challenge on the road ahead, they declared, would be that a “black woman could overcome racism, sexism” while facing “a long history of racial and gender discrimination in the United States.”

Anyone with a speck of common sense knows that this is blatantly untrue, yet the Democrats have been pedaling this nonsense for years — and they will continue to repeat it as long as there are people foolish enough to believe it.

However, as usual, it is unclear where Psaki, the Leftmedia in general, and other prominent Democrat voices are gleaning the information from that would inspire them to make race and gender their leading issue of one of the most consequential elections in modern history. Women in today’s America are accomplishing more in the political, corporate, technological, and innovative fields than ever before, but Democrats act like bigoted oppression is still the order of the day.

Additionally, thanks to leftists’ heavy-handed political approach of injecting their ideology into the private sector, DEI measures have infiltrated what feels like every business — from Delta to Harley-Davidson — across the U.S., legalizing discrimination under the guise of diversity. The Democrat “anti-racist” policies in education, job training, hiring processes, and leadership roles have made it compulsory to reserve spots in all areas for women and minorities (qualified or not), making it a direct contradiction for the Left to say that sexism and racism are challenges for anyone other than white males.

Leftist voters have apparently disconnected Kamala Harris and the White House administration she has been a part of for almost four years from their grocery bills, gas costs, living expenses, the crime wave, border invasion, and global conflict. But it’s no inconsequential detail that the very candidate responsible for the long list of challenges that most Americans agree weigh heavily on their finances, communities, and country is the same one Democrats aim to put back in the White House by using identity politics to shame their skeptical friends and neighbors.

While the Left tries to create a historical moment by running a candidate with no record of success other than not being a white man, the true test of the 2024 election will be to actually get American voters to care about real issues and to view voting as the weighty decision and responsibility that it is.