The Patriot Post® · Don't Be Hatin'!

By Roger Helle ·

Does it seem like everyone around you is angry? It didn’t just happen incidentally; it’s by design. For years now, the radical Left has been doing everything it can to divide us into tribes, which then encourages tribal warfare. “Conquer and divide” has been the Democrat mantra. Barack Obama and now Joe Biden/Kamala Harris have poured gasoline on the fire of division. Will we let them divide us?

America has had its problems since our founding, but one problem it does not have today is systemic racism. Are there still elements of racism? Absolutely! So-called progressives have ensured that. But the level of racism is nowhere near where they want it will be. The majority of Americans live in harmony with their neighbors — except where the Left can inflame people by perceived offenses.

There have always been political differences in America — after all, politics is a blood sport — but rarely, with the exception of the War Between the States, has it been this bad. For some reason, when Donald Trump announced his candidacy for president, the progressives lost their collective minds. Trump Derangement Syndrome is real. They have convinced so many voters that Trump is evil incarnate.

Since Trump announced his candidacy, he’s been attacked from every direction. The reason for it has to be more than his arrogance and mean tweets. For all of Trump’s flaws (and there are many), he’s not the pure evil Democrats claim. Trump definitely upsets the political status quo — he says what he means and means what he says — and political critters cannot tolerate an outsider who actually keeps his promises, let alone wants to change things to Make America Great Again. How awful is that?

The problem is that too many Americans are getting sucked into the Left’s trap. If Democrats can get us to demean one another, we play right into their hands. We need to understand that America’s fundamental problem isn’t the divide between political parties. It’s the spiritual divide between good and evil.

America has a spiritual heritage. It began with the Pilgrims signing the “Mayflower Compact.” The newly arrived Christians said we were to be a “covenant people” with a Holy God. When America kept that covenant, God’s blessings were upon this nation.

When Israel turned its back on God time and again, God used whatever was needed — war, famine, and drought — to bring the Israelites back into the fold. He has done that with our nation as well. When the early settlers drifted away from God, the same trials brought His people back. The first and second Great Awakenings not only prepared us for both the Revolutionary and Civil Wars but changed the moral fabric of our country.

Today, America’s moral compass is broken, but another Great Awakening can restore it. However, we cannot get there if we let hatred of people who don’t look or think like us control us. This is a spiritual battle, not against flesh and blood, but against spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places (Ephesians 6:10-19).

We need to recognize that the radicals who are so angry have been deceived by Satan, the god of this world. Responding to their hatred only pours gas on the fire. But if we pray for them to be set free from their blindness, we can make a change to our country. We need to be “spiritual thermostats” instead of “thermometers.” We set the spiritual temperature around us, not just reflect it!

Something to pray about!
Semper Fidelis