The Patriot Post® · In Brief: Anatomy of the Dems' 2020 'Russian Disinformation' Scam

By Political Editors ·

Our Thomas Gallatin covered Mark Zuckerberg’s supposed apology for colluding with Joe Biden’s administration to suppress speech regarding COVID, as well as the pre-2020 election decision to censor very real news about Hunter Biden’s laptop and its implications for Biden family corruption. Andrew McCarthy revisits the fact that the laptop “should not have been suppressed in the weeks just before the 2020 election.”

The FBI did not find out about the laptop close to the election. To the contrary, it was in December 2019, nearly a year before Election Day 2020, that the bureau took possession of the laptop abandoned by the president’s son at a Delaware computer-repair shop. The investigators had known about the laptop for at least two months before they reluctantly took possession, pursuant to a federal-grand-jury subpoena issued in Wilmington by the office of U.S. attorney David Weiss.

As we learned during the criminal trial earlier this year, at which Hunter was convicted of firearms felonies, the bureau perused the laptop data and knew it was authentic. No surprise about that. As I pointed out after the Post broke the story months later, the photographs and videos were patently Hunter’s, and the emails, which appeared authentic on their face, could easily be matched up to events and transactions that were known to have occurred. We could all see that in October 2020 by reading the Post’s reporting. But the FBI knew months earlier, based on a rigorous forensic examination by its trained experts.

Nevertheless, as the election neared, senior agents at the bureau laid the groundwork that would convince the tech companies, once the laptop story broke, that the relevant reporting had been generated by an influence operation conducted by Russia’s intelligence services.

What led them to do that? Collusion with influential congressional Democrats, that’s what.

McCarthy discusses the “51 former national-security officials who signed their demagogic letter in the campaign stretch-run,” along with the general participation of the Biden campaign. After recapping that history, he gets back to Zuckerberg, concluding:

It’s all well and good that Mark Zuckerberg has confessed error. This, however, was an insidious conspiracy by government insiders to sell the country on a lie by exploiting the credibility of top government intelligence officials and the intimidating muscle of the government’s premier law-enforcement agency.

Read the whole thing here.