The Patriot Post® · Should Pro-Life Christians Vote for Trump?

By Scarlen Valderaz ·

Christians have found themselves in a conundrum due to Donald Trump’s stance on abortion. He has made it clear that he does not believe in a federal abortion ban; rather, he will respect each state’s will on the issue. After the historic reversal of Roe v. Wade, Trump’s opinion on abortion has left many in the Christian community disappointed and unsure of whether or not to support him.

Now, we all have the right to do as we wish with our vote, but is not voting in this election the best option for babies in the womb? Not quite.

This election will decide the future of our country. On the one hand, we have radical feminist Kamala Harris, who believes in the sacrifice of children in the womb and doesn’t want babies who survive abortion to receive medical attention. On the other hand, we have moderate Donald Trump, who will leave the issue of abortion to the states and believes in exceptions like rape and incest, which account for about 1% of abortions.

To evangelical Christians, both options stink, but we must remember that Trump is still more likely than Harris to protect the lives of the unborn.

It’s not wrong to critique Trump on the issue of abortion — and quite frankly, it’s necessary. After all, it’s rare to agree on everything a candidate says. But this does leave many Christian voters unenthusiastic and demoralized when it comes to this election.

It’s important to note, however, that there has been a decades-long concerted effort to deeply engrain the belief of abortion into our culture. From Hollywood to government to public education, the sacrifice of babies in the womb has been glamorized and sold as necessary for women to thrive in our country. It may take pro-life activists just as long to reverse these damaging beliefs.

If Trump gets elected, even if he is not as pro-life as we’d like him to be, it is more likely that he will surround himself with pro-lifers and appoint them into positions of power and influence. We saw this with Supreme Court Justices Amy Coney Barrett and Brett Kavanaugh. Under a Trump administration, pro-life activists won’t be prosecuted or thrown in jail simply for praying at the steps of abortion facilities.

To sit this election out is to hand your vote over to the Harris regime and make the sacrifice of babies the law of the land. And worst of all, more of your tax dollars will go toward the funding of this heinous practice. Sitting this election out will reinforce the sick culture of abortion, making it more difficult for pro-life activism to take place.

A Trump administration will not abolish abortion, but it will let discourse happen, which can lead to the changing of hearts and minds. Donald Trump is not a perfect candidate, nor will he be a perfect president, but we can be assured that life is more protected under him than with a destructive Harris presidency.

To be clear, voting for Trump does not mean we compromise on our pro-life beliefs and adopt a moderate stance. It means we know where he stands and disagree with him, but we can continue to save babies without the Department of Justice coming after us.