The Patriot Post® · Friday Short Cuts

By Jordan Candler ·

Inquiring Minds Want to Know

“More than a month of preparation and negotiations for a single interview on a liberal network — and Kamala Harris can’t handle it by herself? How on earth can she stand up to Putin and Xi? She is dangerously unprepared to be president.” —Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR)

For the Record

“So, the potentially first female president will need a man beside her in a basic television interview. How embarrassing for women everywhere.” —Lisa Boothe

“The Democrats installed as their nominee … the only liberal in America afraid to do a CNN hit.” —Trump senior adviser Stephen Miller

“The media is in on the obfuscation. Harris has refused to give interviews or press conferences since President Joe Biden was forced out of the campaign, and the press has been only too happy to cover for her. The radio silence is a feature, not a bug. Because, in fact, Harris actually has a track record of supporting specific policies.” —Laura Hollis

“We have reached a stage where people passionately express their endorsement for a presidential candidate solely based on their stance on issues such as CRT, abortion and transgenderism — matters that have no direct impact on the prosperity of our nation and its citizens.” —Armstrong Williams

The Bottom Line

“Taxing unrealized gains would tank the economy and spur a massive capital flight out of the US. It would also represent the most significant expansion of government power in more than a century. It is also not constitutional, as the federal government lacks the authority to institute such a tax.” —Florida Governor Ron DeSantis

And Last…

“I wanna live in an America where the media is madder at the President who got 13 service members killed than the President who shows up to mourn them.” —Jimmy Failla