The Patriot Post® · If We Were a Serious Country

By Scarlen Valderaz ·

Our country is struggling, and we can all feel it. So many of us long for the days when things were once normal, but is it even realistic to go back to those days? For one, we weren’t glued to our phones and on social media for hours on end. We also had politicians who at least pretended to love our country. It seems as if that is gone, and it won’t come back anytime soon. It also doesn’t help that our country’s leaders don’t seem to take anything seriously anymore.

Once upon a time, we were a serious country. Our enemies and allies respected us. Our men were patriotic and ready to defend their country. Our women found joy in motherhood and homemaking. Our children went to school and learned the basics. Presidential candidates were respected and professional. Politicians ran on American values and loved our country. But things are different now.

If we were a serious country, a woman responsible for the deaths of 13 service members would not have the audacity to run for president. Her public dislike for our country’s values would disqualify her from office, and the media would condemn her for running away from questions.

If we were a serious country, the media wouldn’t run cover for a man who lied about his service in the military, and he wouldn’t be a vice presidential candidate. He would also face investigations for his soft-on-crime record as the governor of Minnesota, which was ground zero during the George Floyd riots, as well as his fidelity to the transgenderism ideology and the resulting damage caused to minors.

If we were a serious country, our children would not become indoctrinated with gender ideology, nor would they learn to hate our country when they go to school. Our children wouldn’t be behind academically or chronically ill at such young ages.

If we were a serious country, our federal health agencies wouldn’t allow the poisoning of our food, and we’d ban or heavily regulate products like food dyes and glyphosate that are known to cause health issues.

If we were a serious country, our borders would be closed, and invaders would pay a heavy price for attempting to enter our country. States would not let foreign gangs take over apartment complexes, and crimes by illegals would not happen because our borders would be heavily protected.

If we were a serious country, we would promote the goodness of an intact family and teach men and women that having a family is a blessing and not a hindrance. Our government would also leave us to raise our families how we see fit and only be there when invited.

Unfortunately, our country is currently experiencing a cultural and political illness. This doesn’t mean that it will be this way forever or that we should lose hope. Instead, we should remain optimistic and fight for the values we once knew and experienced. This means we may have to sacrifice just a bit of time to become involved in the political process. Whether that’s running for office or writing postcards encouraging your neighbors to vote, it’s all important — and our future depends on it.