The Patriot Post® · Musk, Trump, and the Government Efficiency Commission

By Emmy Griffin ·

If there’s one thing most Americans can agree on, it’s that the government isn’t efficient and wastes taxpayer dollars. It’s a seemingly intractable and constitutionally detrimental problem. The government spends like there’s no tomorrow and continues to feed the beast that is our country’s $35 trillion-and-counting national debt. There are also a plethora of departments dedicated to producing regulations and barriers.

Americans are the freest people in the world, but our government is overrun by bureaucrats whose greed and/or tyranny have restricted the flourishing of the United States. President Donald Trump wants to tackle this problem and is taking a suggestion from the richest man in the world, Elon Musk.

Last week at the Economic Club in New York, Trump explained the idea: “At the suggestion of Elon Musk … I will create a Government Efficiency Commission tasked with conducting a complete financial and performance audit of the entire federal government — and making recommendations for drastic reforms.”

Not only will this commission start loosening the bureaucratic hoops people have to go through, but it’ll crack down on fraud and waste. Trump also said that he will eliminate 10 old regulations for every new one in an attempt to cut through the red tape and give freedom back to the American people. Furthermore, he hopes to drastically reduce government waste. Trump emphasized, “We need to do it. Can’t go on the way we are now.”

Who gets to head this commission? Elon Musk, who publicly stated, “I look forward to serving America if the opportunity arises. No pay, no title, no recognition is needed.”

This really is an interesting idea with a lot of potential to help grease the skids of the American economy. The economy is a major factor in the upcoming election, with Pew Research rating it as the top issue for most Americans. No one is happy with the economic hole Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have dug, and the latter keeps floating even more asinine ideas like price controls and taxing unrealized capital gains.

Trump has the advantage in this area. The economy was booming under his leadership. He also has a documented history of firing people who are deficient at their jobs. The proposed Government Efficiency Commission has a lot of potential to solve some major problems at the federal level while helping Americans at the kitchen table. It also shows good sense to put a person like Musk at the head of it because he can’t be bought off. The maverick also has experience running many successful companies.

Once again, Trump is showing that he wants to make changes that benefit all Americans, not just the elites.