The Patriot Post® · Who Is the Party of the Rich?

By Gary Bauer ·

I still routinely hear from people who seem to believe that the left’s over-the-top hatred is driven by Donald Trump. It’s not, as Nancy Pelosi just demonstrated. She has treated every Republican president with disdain, just as she treats Republicans generally with disdain.
Over the weekend, Pelosi said that 30% of Republicans are racist and homophobic. That’s just who they are. The rest are a bunch of super rich people who don’t want to pay taxes. That’s absurd!
Actually, Democrats are the party of the rich. Nearly two-thirds of households making $500,000 or more are represented by Democrats in Congress, while Republicans represent 64% of the congressional districts with incomes below the national median.
Pelosi’s slanderous remarks are just the latest in a string of leftist displays of intolerance. Hillary Clinton called us “deplorable” and “irredeemable” and suggested we might need “formal deprogramming.”
“Nice Guy” Joe Biden called half the country “semi-fascist.” He said people supporting election integrity laws are like segregationists. He called concerned parents trying to protect their children from gender insanity “cruel” and “sinful.”
And Kamala Harris chose to stop by a business whose mega-wealthy owner trashes conservatives all the time. Harris wasn’t there to “call out” the owner for his hateful rhetoric. She was there calling for unity!