The Patriot Post® · In Brief: Why Men Hate Kamala

By Political Editors ·

There’s a stark divide between the sexes when it comes to presidential preferences. Journalist Daniel Greenfield has thoughts.

Kamala’s biggest problem is the men. White men. Black men. Young men.

Gen Z has the largest gender gap of any age group with young men supporting Trump by margins similar to those of older men. Black men and Hispanic men have been the hardest minority groups to persuade into the Kamala camp. A New York Times article last month blamed lagging black male support for Kamala on the ‘misogynoir’ that black men were suffering from.

Why is Kamala doing so poorly among men? …

It’s not just the vibe, climaxing in Oprah’s convention appearance, that’s turning off men, the vibe is a symptom of the real problem not only with the campaign, but the candidate.

Kamala is a lightweight politician running on feelings at a time when men need something more solid. The “joy” theme told votes to turn off their brains, join the party and stop worrying. TikTok dances make a certain kind of voter gush while completely alienating another kind of voter.

He adds:

The DNC had no new platform. Its platform was considered so irrelevant that no one got around to editing it to remove mentions of Biden’s second term. The Kamala campaign only added an ‘issues’ section to its website days before the upcoming presidential debate. The message is that issues don’t matter, what does matter is that Kamala is like the best friend you never had.

And Trump is a mean old man.

Kamala is hardly the first politician to run on personality, not issues, but in the middle of an economic crisis, a crime crisis, and record low levels of public insecurity about the future, her glib positivity and shallow narcissism have fired up upscale liberal women while turning off men: especially working class men of all races concerned about being able to earn a living.

Greenfield concludes:

Kamala acts like she’s running to be America’s best friend, not the person tasked with fixing its problems. Some have been won over by the “joy” routine, but others, especially men, are not interested in pretending that a millionaire politician who notices them every 4 years is their best friend.

Kamala’s fake smiles, fake laughs and fake friendship are turning off men of all ages and races.

Read the whole thing here.