The Patriot Post® · Thursday Short Cuts

By Jordan Candler ·

Useful Idiot

“Israel’s pager attack in Lebanon detonated thousands of handheld devices across of a slew of public spaces, seriously injuring and killing innocent civilians. This attack clearly and unequivocally violates international humanitarian law and undermines US efforts to prevent a wider conflict.” —Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY)

Inquiring Minds Want to Know

“If Hezbollah doesn’t like having their [genitals] blown off, could they just not launch rockets at Israel? Is that an option?” —Frank J. Fleming

The BIG Lies

“A young mother from Georgia should be alive today, raising her son and pursuing her dream of attending nursing school. This is exactly what we feared when Roe v. Wade was struck down. In more than 20 states, Trump Abortion Bans prevent doctors from providing basic medical care.” —Kamala Harris (“Malicious disinformation. … She tragically tried to abort her twins via a medication abortion. As is too often the case, parts of the baby were left inside her, which caused her to suffer from fatal sepsis. … She died because of the abortion pills and because of the negligence of doctors.” —Allie Beth Stuckey)

“Amber Nicole Thurman died because a Trump Abortion Ban denied her access to reproductive health care. Make no mistake: this preventable death is the direct consequence of actions taken by the Trump-appointed Supreme Court and Republican lawmakers to tear down Roe v. Wade.” —Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)

“Kentucky’s governor has signed an executive order banning the use of ‘conversion therapy’ on minors. The widely discredited practice tries to change a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity through counseling [emphasis added].” —Associated Press (Only leftists think that counseling minors about sexual confusion is “discredited.”)

Stolen Class Valor

“Kamala Harris and I know something about [inflation], being middle-class folks.” —Tim Walz

Freudian Slip

“House Democrats are committed to putting politics over people.” —Congresswoman Jahana Hayes (D-CT)

For the Record

“America is a large country, with a large number of unstable people. Overheated rhetoric generally appeals to the unhinged; the unhinged may take seriously that rhetoric and attempt violence as a consequence. That doesn’t mean that those who spout such rhetoric are criminally responsible for the actions of the violent. It does mean that when the temperature is raised on the political stove, it becomes more predictable for the pot to boil over.” —Ben Shapiro

“Why aren’t we asking Biden & Harris to stop invoking ‘bloodbath’ and other falsehoods against Trump? Isn’t that the inciting rhetoric that should be stopped in the wake of a 2nd attempt on Trump’s life?” —Republican strategist Scott Jennings


“An infallible recipe for poor mental health and lifelong unhappiness is believing that unless the entire world validates your self-perception, it hates you. If you move through life telling yourself that unless you can force other people to play along you’ll be ‘erased’, if the slightest hint that another person doesn’t see you the way you’ve labelled yourself feels like an attack on your very existence, your life will be spent in a state of miserable insecurity and fragility.” —author J.K. Rowling