The Patriot Post® · The Conspiracy Theorists Are Winning!

By Roger Helle ·

Last month’s conspiracy theories seem to be this month’s headlines. It probably hit high gear with Barack Obama, but every time conservatives questioned something the Left did, we were called conspiracy theorists. During the 2020 presidential election campaign, we were told Donald Trump was literally a Russian agent, and our geopolitical adversary helped get him elected. If we questioned it, we were declared crackpot conspiracy theorists.

After two years of the Robert Mueller probe, we were proven right.

During the 2020 campaign, we had the Hunter Biden laptop from hell. Once again, it was “Russian interference in the election.” To prove it, 51 intelligence officials said it was Russian disinformation. Many months after Joe Biden was safely seated in the Oval Office, we learned the laptop was real. Which causes me to wonder: How intelligent are our intelligence officials? Conspiracy theorists: 2, government: 0!

More recently we had the attempted assassination of Trump in Pennsylvania. Many on the Left were angry because the assassin missed. FBI Director Christopher Wray implied that maybe it wasn’t really a bullet that hit him. Other leftists afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome suggested it was staged. Who are the conspiracy theorists now?

Then came the second attempt on Trump’s life last weekend, and Democrats are saying Trump has to tone down his rhetoric! My first question is: Who cares what Hillary has to say? My next question is: Why is this continuing? Biden said we needed to lower the rhetoric after the first attempt on Trump’s life. That didn’t last more than a day. The Left was quickly back at it: “Trump is Hitler!” “Trump is going to be a dictator!” “Trump will do [insert lie] and destroy democracy!”

Some might call that a dog whistle to commit violence against Trump. Didn’t Joe say we need to put a target on Trump?

New election strategy: If you can’t beat him, kill him.

Back in July, the Secret Service’s failure to protect Trump made the agency look like a bunch of clowns. You’re wrong, they say. Once again, we’re a bunch of conspiracy theorists. Months ago, Republicans like Senator Marco Rubio said violent gangs like Tren de Aragua were moving into the country. Democrats and the media (but I repeat myself) said it was an exaggeration … until it wasn’t.

You want to stop the conspiracy theories? Start by being honest and transparent, both in government and the media (I’m an optimist). The Secret Service does not help itself by stonewalling Congress and blame-shifting. The FBI could gain some credibility via transparency. Attorney General Merrick Garland could quit whining about conspiracy theories against his Justice Department by being transparent and actually applying the law evenly. You know — that equal justice under the law principle.

There are even Democrats who believe Trump is not getting equal justice from all the lawfare being inflicted upon him. You have to be drinking gallons of progressive Kool-Aid to believe Trump’s being treated fairly. If our system of equal justice under the law continues to be abused, don’t be surprised when it backfires.

I believe there are many, many millions of Americans who won’t surrender their liberties to tyranny.

Something to pray about!
Semper Fidelis