The Patriot Post® · Bait-and-Switch, Part II

By Roger Helle ·

In the 2020 presidential election, Joe Biden was supposed to be the adult in the room — the moderate who would bring calm to Donald Trump’s “chaos.” Biden was ostensibly the steady hand at the wheel — the experienced voice in foreign affairs whom world leaders knew and respected.

On Inauguration Day, Biden said he was going to be everybody’s president, whether you voted for him or not. Those were the days!

What a hot mess this clown show has been since day one. Biden began his Oval Office tenure by undoing everything Trump had done to stop the flow of illegals across the border. Then, when Trump announced his 2024 candidacy, the steady lawfare attack on him began in earnest. He was hit with trumped-up charges that had never been used against a former president.

“Trump is Hitler.” “Trump promises to be a dictator.” “There’s going to be a bloodbath.” Yada yada yada. Trump and his supporters have been vilified nonstop as “ultra-MAGA” or “extreme MAGA.” California Congresswoman Maxine Waters has even openly worried about Trump supporters training in the hills to overthrow the country.

Now, Kamala Harris has been coronated as the Democrat presidential candidate after the cognitively challenged Biden was very undemocratically kicked to the curb by Democrat Party elites. Harris is supposedly the voice of change — a “New Hope,” in Star Wars lingo. She’s the “happy warrior,” according to Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer. Her campaign is full of “good vibes,” and if there’s anything that can turn the country’s economy, high crime, and foreign threats around, it’s good vibes!

Harris says there’s no going back. Back to what? She and Biden have been in charge for the past four years. Democrat vice-presidential nominee Tim Walz recently blurted out during a campaign rally that the country can’t take another four years. Tim, your running mate has been in charge for the past four years!

Remember Harris being given one assignment after another? She did nothing but pop up here and there, giving unprepared word salads, thinking her personality would carry the day. Sister, wake up! You don’t have any personality or charisma like Bill Clinton or Barack Obama. Zilch, nada, zero.

When Harris ran for president the first time, she campaigned on the most radical positions of any candidate ever. There are too many to list, but a few need to be mentioned, such as defunding the police, abolishing ICE, banning fracking (Pennsylvanians, are you listening?), mandating electric cars, taxpayer-funded healthcare and sex-change surgeries for illegals, and abortion on demand.

But anonymous campaign sources say she doesn’t hold those positions anymore (wink). So, with the help of the mainstream media, she’s going to happy-vibe her way to the Oval Office and save the country from Donald Trump and his extreme MAGA supporters. I’m curious: Why won’t Harris come out and plainly tell us that she’s changed? Because she hasn’t. She won’t change because she is as radical as they come. Even socialist Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders had a Freudian slip recently when he admitted that Harris was saying whatever she needs to in order to win the election. I may be old-fashioned, but we called that lying!

If you had an employee who refused to do her job for almost four years but promised she would start to if you promoted her and gave her a huge raise, would you do it? I didn’t think so.

Patriots, wake up and smell the coffee.

Something to pray about!
Semper Fidelis