The Patriot Post® · Wednesday Short Cuts

By Jordan Candler ·

The BIG Lies

“It is not right that the teachers and the firefighters that I meet every day across our country are paying a higher tax than the richest people in our country.” —Kamala Harris

“People are better off than they were four years ago.” —former Clinton White House aide Keith Boykin

Hot Air

“The severity and frequency of extreme weather events are only increasing.” —Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas

Race Bait

“Latinos want to be white. They want to be with the cool kids. … They don’t want to be identified with all of those other immigrants that Donald Trump speaks so badly of.” —NPR’s Maria Hinojosa

Useful Idiot

“I’m comfortable with [Israel] stopping.” —Joe Biden regarding the IDF’s Lebanon operation


“Hezbollah turned vibrant towns in the north of Israel into ghost towns. … Just imagine if terrorists turned El Paso and San Diego into ghost towns. Then ask yourself: How long would the American government tolerate that? … I doubt they would tolerate it even for a single day. Yet Israel has been tolerating this intolerable situation for nearly a year.” —Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

“It is emotionally and psychologically difficult for most people to stare evil in the face. Evil is widely described as ‘dark.’ But it is not dark; it is easy to look into the dark. What is far harder to look at is blinding bright light. … Once one declares something evil, one is morally bound to resist it, and people fear resisting evil.” —Dennis Prager

Political Futures

“Liberals accuse Trump of being cozy with dictators, but the dictators of Iran’s cruel and corrupt regime find comfort only with Trump’s Democratic opponents. … The terror state’s hope is that a Harris administration will be as pliable as Obama’s was and could pressure Israel to call off its war on Iran’s surrogates.” —Daniel McCarthy

“If Harris doesn’t win Pennsylvania and loses the presidency because of it, picking Tim Walz over Josh Shapiro is going to be remembered as the political equivalent of picking Sam Bowie over Michael Jordan in the 1984 NBA draft.” —Jim Geraghty

For the Record

“There [are] 3,143 counties in the United States of America. They’ve let 13,000 murderers in. That means four for every county in America.” —Corey Lewandowski

“Vice President Kamala Harris’ visit last Friday to a border region in Arizona takes political cynicism to a new low. It is like hoping to score political points by visiting the relative of someone who has been murdered by a man your policies caused to be let out of jail despite his criminal record that includes repeated offenses.” —Cal Thomas

And Last…

“Democrats want the government to solve your problems. Republicans want you to have freedom to solve your own problems — and live with the consequences.” —Victor Joecks