The Patriot Post® · University of Maryland Must Hold Pro-Hamas Event, Judge Declares

By Emmy Griffin ·

If you thought our public universities couldn’t fail our children any more, here is the latest example of soul-destroying extreme evil.

Back in August, a student group known as Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) decided it wanted to hold a University of Maryland event on October 7 to mourn the so-called Palestinian genocide. The president of the university, Darryll Pines, was in full support of the event, but ultimately, the university decided to allow no particular student group to hold an event.

Instead, the university would “host only university-sponsored events that promote reflection on this day,” according to Pines’s September letter to students and staff. “All other expressive events will be held prior to October 7, and then resume on October 8 in accordance with time, place and manner considerations of the First Amendment.”

Pines’s concern was for the safety of the campus. As he has no doubt seen from other campuses like UCLA and Columbia, these student groups and their non-student, Soros-funded lackeys will occupy buildings, destroy property, and attack anyone who disagrees with their point of view.

Pines, of course, also encouraged all to “continue checking on and supporting your fellow Terps, as this time is a difficult one for many.” He added, “Please continue to plan expressive activities in accordance with our policies” (i.e., hold your pro-terrorism rally, just not on October 7).

Well, SJP hired lawyers with ties to the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and sued, claiming that its First Amendment rights were being infringed upon. The University of Maryland then suggested that it had actually canceled the event because Pines was getting “anti-black” messages. One message apparently said that allowing the pro-Hamas event to go forward was akin to a “Klan Rally with sheets and a noose … also [being] approved.”

Pines is black and willfully twisted the meaning of the letter.

On Tuesday, U.S. District Judge Peter J. Messitte declared:

Even if pro-Israel groups see October 7 as somehow sacrosanct, it is at least fair argument for pro-Palestine groups to see the date as sacrosanct as well, symbolic of what they believe is Palestine’s longstanding fight for the liberation of Gaza. … SJP says it chose October 7 specifically because October 7 marks the beginning of what it calls Israel’s most recent ‘genocidal campaign’ which, SJP claims, has resulted in the death of over 40,000 Palestinians in Gaza. … No other date, as SJP sees it, can make the point of their mission quite as forcefully as October 7; to SJP, it is unique. That, in the Court’s view, fortifies SJP’s claim of irreparable harm.

This reasoning from the judge is like allowing the KKK to hold an event on the one-year anniversary of the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr., except it’s more than that. Hamas slaughtered 1,200 people, kidnapped 250 more, and raped and tortured others. It was a horrific event in which Hamas was the aggressor. But these moral idiots have to play the “both sides have a point” game.

Didn’t President Donald Trump get in trouble after (falsely) being accused of doing something similar? The Charlottesville lie is now a University of Maryland truth.

Sadly, this is probably not the only school that will have such a disrespectful and disgraceful event take place on campus. When intersectional hierarchy and the victim/oppressor narrative outweigh morality and plain truth, all manner of evil is justified.