The Patriot Post® · The Second 'Gentleman' Has a #MeToo Moment

By Douglas Andrews ·

Here’s a not-so-bold prediction: Nothing will come of Wednesday’s bombshell in the UK Daily Mail that the Nanny Knocker-Upper, the so-called Second Gentleman, Doug Emhoff, slapped his then-girlfriend so hard in the face at the May 2012 Cannes Film Festival in France that it actually spun her around.

If you haven’t heard about the incident, it’s understandable. That’s because neither The New York Times, nor The Washington Post, nor CNN, nor MSNBC, nor NBC, nor ABC, nor CBS, nor PBS, nor NPR appears interested in covering it.

Emhoff came out yesterday and denied the allegations, but merely denying that it happened shouldn’t make any difference, should it? I mean, repeated denials by then-Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh didn’t stop the mainstream media from giving wall-to-wall coverage of Christine Blasey Ford’s crazy claim that he’d sexually assaulted her back in their high school days — even though she couldn’t remember the “when” or the “where,” and even though she couldn’t prove that she and Kavanaugh even knew each other.

Nor did repeated denials by Donald Trump deter the mainstream media from lavish coverage of E. Jean Carroll’s outlandish claims that Donald Trump sexually abused her in a Manhattan department store back in 1996.

In Trump’s case, there were no witnesses to his abusive behavior. But in Emhoff’s case, three individuals have come forward — not as eyewitnesses but as compelling after-the-fact witnesses. As The Daily Mail reports:

One of her friends told that the woman called him immediately after the incident, sobbing in her cab, and described the alleged assault. … A second friend … also told her about the alleged violence at the time.

A third friend told that [the woman] first told her in 2014 that she had dated Emhoff, and recounted the full story of his alleged abuse in 2018, when then-senator Harris was in the news after grilling Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh in a Senate hearing over sexual assault allegations.

This seems worthy of coverage, no? I mean, this is the same Doug Emhoff who former White House press secretary and current MSNBC host Jen Psaki recently gushed had “reshaped the perception of masculinity.”

Said Emhoff: “I’ve said many times when we lift up women, we support women, whether it’s pay equity, child care, family leave, and all of these issues in this post-Dobbs hellscape. Women should not be less than. Women should not have less rights and be treated differently. That’s not the American way.”

But nor is it “the American way” to cheat on one’s wife and impregnate one’s nanny. Nor to slap one’s girlfriend. Why, it’s almost as if the #MeToo movement doesn’t care about such incidents when the perp is a beta-male Democrat and there’s an election to win.

Ever since the Democratic National Convention, the Leftmedia has been lauding this guy as an archetype of the new American manhood. “When he stepped down from the stage,” cooed TIME magazine, “he had given a little master class in how to be a guy’s guy as well as a wife guy. … He demonstrated a winning self-confidence by making fun of the goofy nervous first-date voicemail he left on Harris’ phone, and joking about his mother being the only person in the world who thinks Harris married up.”

Give me a break.

Emhoff is really just an old-fashioned leftist coward. He’s literally (okay, allegedly) the girlfriend slapper, the Forrest Gump character who apologizes to Jenny and blames it on “that lying sonofabitch Johnson.”

As it turns out, the #MeToo movement was rooted in a kernel of truth: From Harvey Weinstein to Doug Emhoff, many leftist men really are scumbags.