The Patriot Post® · Have We Lost Hope?

By Roger Helle ·

There was a time when I had no hope. Lying in a hospital bed in Vietnam as a critically wounded 22-year-old Marine, I felt my life was over.

But Romans 10:13 says, “Whoever calls upon the Lord will be saved.”

God heard the desperate cry of a sinner and had mercy on me. Four years later, He gave me a future and a hope (Jeremiah 29:11).

My life changed dramatically. Did I still have problems? Absolutely! But now I had hope, and I became a “hope dealer.”

The hope I had needed to be shared with those without it. For 40 years, I worked with men and women with life-controlling addictions to find hope in Jesus Christ.

As we look around the world, we have a bad habit of focusing on the problems instead of looking to the problem-solver.

Let’s be completely honest: There are a lot of problems we’re facing today.

Food, gas, insurance, and housing costs have all skyrocketed.

Millions of illegal immigrants have flooded our nation bringing crime, drugs, gangs, and sex trafficking.

We have political leaders who have trashed the Constitution, waged war on our values, and tried to silence anyone who disagrees with them.

A once-great political party has been hijacked by Marxists who want to see this nation collapse on itself to allow a complete takeover of the country.

Now, with the help of a hopelessly corrupt media, the Marxists seem poised to pull this off on November 5.

Nothing is guaranteed tomorrow, next week, or next year. But there is one certainty: God still sits on the throne in Heaven.

He is not sweating bullets wondering who will be elected president of the United States. I know that for a fact!

When Bill Clinton was elected, the angels didn’t run into the throne room and pass into God’s bedroom shouting, “You will not believe who was elected president in America!” We survived.

Yes, the stakes are much higher than they were in 1992. Clinton was a novice to the abuse of power compared to what we’ve seen since Barack Obama entered the Oval Office.

Our part is to pray and then vote our values — life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Freedom of religion needs to be at the top of the list!

I personally believe God placed Donald Trump in the White House in 2017. Trump wasn’t perfect, nor did he do everything right. But he was the man God placed there for that season.

Will He do it again? I have no idea. If we, as a nation, do not repent, He may give us the government we deserve, not the one we want.

Regardless of what happens in November, I’m not afraid of the future. Trump is not my Savior, no matter how good a job he did in office.

You see, I have hope not in any elected official but in a Heavenly Father who loves me and tells me He will never forsake me or leave me.

Where is your hope today? I’m not promised a problem-free life. I am promised that my Heavenly Father will watch over me. He holds my tomorrows.

Who holds yours?

Something to pray about.
Semper Fidelis