The Patriot Post® · You Go, Girls!

By Emmy Griffin ·

What do Utah State, Boise State, the University of Wyoming, and Southern Utah University have in common? Their women’s volleyball teams are taking a firm stand for women’s rights by boycotting playing against San Jose State University (SJSU) because the latter has permitted a biological male to be a part of its women’s team.

Blaire (Brayden) Fleming is a superstar player for SJSU who hits harder and jumps higher than his teammates. He has the second-most total kills (spikes that aren’t returned) on the team. And up until this past weekend, his team was undefeated. His ability to deliver such hard spikes is actually dangerous to women.

To make matters worse, SJSU actively hid the fact that it has a male playing on the female team. Brand-new recruits and transfers had no idea what they were signing onto until it was too late. This was the case for senior Brooke Slusser, co-captain and teammate to Fleming. According to OutKick, “Upon transferring to SJSU from Alabama in the Fall of 2023, Slusser began sharing a residence with four of her teammates, including Fleming. She was also assigned to room with Fleming, who specifically requested her, on team road trips. At no point during her recruitment, nor during the 2023 season, was Slusser informed that a male athlete was on the team.”

Women are often criticized for not taking a stand for their own rights. More definitely need to, but these women also face social stigmas, possibly losing their place on the team, and battles against their athletic departments and coaches should they dare to object.

What these four schools are doing is huge. They are providing cover for other young women to stand up and signaling that their rights are going to be protected at their school. It truly is amazing, and more teams should follow suit.

Former collegiate swimmer Riley Gaines has firsthand experience with the unfairness of allowing males to compete in female sports. “A movement is in motion,” she posted on X. “It’s becoming increasingly clear that the NCAA has a decision to make. So far, the NCAA has prioritized inclusion over safety & fairness. Will the @NCAA keep letting girls take matters into their own hands or will they step up & protect their athletes?”

It really is no small thing to stand up to the transgender infringement on women’s sports. For example, this past spring, five girls on a West Virginia middle school track and field team who decided to object were banned from competing.

Though these four colleges have some strength in numbers, Brooke Slusser is in the line of fire. She has joined 12 other female athletes in a class-action lawsuit against the NCAA. The suit correctly asserts that the NCAA has violated Title IX by refusing to protect women’s sports and allowing males to compete. Talk about courage on Slusser’s part.

That courage was tested this past weekend when she received death threats from the “tolerant” Left and had to spend her pregame against Colorado State under police protection. Meanwhile, Colorado State won all three matches of the game. Well done!

However, what’s repulsive is the way that even Fox News is choosing to frame all of this. The legacy media is making it sound like the other teams forfeited out of fear. In truth, they forfeited out of a just yearning for fairness in women’s sports while also taking into consideration the safety of their female athletes.

When toxic empathy and affirming a gender-confused person’s delusions trump the rights and safety of women, that’s wrong. Good on Utah State, Boise State, the University of Wyoming, and Southern Utah University for standing up for what’s right.