The Patriot Post® · Wednesday Short Cuts

By Jordan Candler ·


“I’m confident [the election will] be free and fair. I don’t know whether it will be peaceful. The things that Trump has said and the things that he said last time out when he didn’t like the outcome of the election were very dangerous. … I’m concerned about what … they’re going to do.” —Joe Biden

Non Compos Mentis

“We have long known that Donald Trump has revered the Nazis. … I think that the danger of a Donald Trump is that he would absolutely try to exterminate an entire group of people because he thinks that their genes are somehow different.” —Democrat strategist Aisha Mills

Birds of a Feather

“There is not a thing that comes to mind.” —Kamala “New Way Forward” Harris when asked, “Would you have done something differently than President Biden during the past four years?”

Delusions of Grandeur

“President Biden made a decision that I think history is going to show is rare among leaders, which was to put country before self.” —Kamala Harris

Lack of Self-Awareness Award

“No one should be able to take for granted that they can just declare themselves a candidate and automatically receive support. You have to earn it.” —Kamala Harris

The BIG Lies

“We now have historic low unemployment in America among all groups of people. We now have an economy that is thriving by all macroeconomic measures.” —Kamala Harris

“Because of what we have done, we have cut the flow of illegal immigration by half.” —Kamala Harris

“Donald Trump, if he were president, Putin would be sittin’ in Kyiv right now.” —Kamala Harris

Useful Idiot

“Prime Minister Netanyahu has unleashed unthinkable violence on innocent civilians in Gaza.” —Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA)

Moral Equivalency

“We mourn the loss of all innocent lives from this ongoing conflict. We stand against the rising antisemitism and Islamophobia.” —NFL’s Minnesota Vikings


“When you say ‘From the river to the sea,’ what you are fundamentally promoting, and fundamentally celebrating, is the end of a Jewish state altogether.” —JD Vance

“The only way this war is going to end is when Hamas gives up its arms and stops the fighting and lets the hostages come home.” —JD Vance

For the Record

“‘The rich aren’t paying their fair share’ is an exhausted talking point, an economic myth promulgated by partisan hacks attempting to stir up a tide of envy and resentment.” —Jim Geraghty