The Patriot Post® · Vance Gives Master Class on Leftmedia Table-Turning

By Nate Jackson ·

“Martha, do you hear yourself?” asked an incredulous JD Vance after ABC News’s Martha Raddatz challenged him regarding claims about a violent illegal alien gang. Regardless of the topic, it might be the most effective question anyone could ask a leftist today.

So, let’s back up and add the context.

Vance is both a Marine Corps veteran and a Yale alum, and long before he became Donald Trump’s running mate, he showed he wasn’t afraid of the Leftmedia. There he was again on Sunday, parrying the attacks from Kamala Harris’s Praetorian Guard.

On Friday, Trump visited Aurora, Colorado, where a violent Venezuelan gang is running amok. Trump had the nerve to point it out, saying, “In Aurora, multiple apartment complexes have been taken over by the savage Venezuelan prison gang known as ‘Tren de Aragua.’” He also used his typical hyperbole to say that the gang had “invaded and conquered” Aurora, making it like a “war zone.” He also promised “Operation Aurora” to deport illegal gang members, and he called for the death penalty “for any migrant that kills an American citizen.”

On Sunday, Trump received the unanimous endorsement of the National Border Patrol Council, the official union of the Border Patrol.

Naturally, the Leftmedia lost its collective mind. The New York Times decried Trump’s “nativist attacks,” which is a lie because his complaints are based on the Rule of Law, not xenophobia. NPR blasted him for having “demonized” Aurora, which is a false partisan smear because his remarks were about criminal illegals. The Associated Press claimed he’s pushing an “anti-immigrant message,” which is disinformation because he focuses on illegals, not all immigrants.

ABC’s Raddatz came to lecture Vance about it on Sunday. Here’s the (slightly truncated) exchange:

Raddatz: The Republican mayor of the city said flatly, the city and state have not been taken over or invaded or occupied by migrant gangs. So, do you support Donald Trump making those claims that the Republican mayor says were ‘grossly exaggerated’? …

Vance: Well, Martha, you just said the mayor said they were exaggerated.

Raddatz: Grossly exaggerated.

Vance: There’s got to be some — that means there’s got to be some element of truth here, and, of course, President Trump was actually in Aurora, Colorado, talking to people on the ground. And what we’re hearing, of course, Martha, is that people are terrified by what has happened with some of these Venezuelan gangs.

Raddatz: Senator Vance, I’m going to stop you because I know exactly what happened. I’m going to stop you. The incidents were limited to a handful of apartment conflicts, uh, apartment complexes, and the mayor said, “Our dedicated police officers have acted on those concerns.” A handful of problems.

Vance: Martha, do you hear yourself? ‘Only a handful of apartment complexes in America were taken over by Venezuelan gangs, and Donald Trump is the problem, and not Kamala Harris’s open border?’ … You seem to be more focused [on] nitpicking everything that Donald Trump has said, rather than acknowledging that apartment complexes in the United States of America are being taken over by violent gangs.

He went on to say this is what happens “when you let people in by the millions, most of whom are unvetted,” and that Harris was a big part of “94 executive orders that undid Donald Trump’s successful border policies.” Indeed, but Raddatz wouldn’t let it go.

“Let’s just end that with they did not invade or take over the city, as Donald Trump said,” she huffed. Vance shot back. “Just a few apartment complexes. No big deal. A few apartment complexes.”

Raddatz and her Harris-stumping pals in the Leftmedia would rather have you focused on Trump and Vance’s mean “lies” about the situation as if that somehow disproves that more than 10 million illegals have come across in the Biden-Harris intentional invasion — 10 million that we know about.

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas “fact-checked” such assertions, saying Sunday, calling the idea of an intentional border crisis a “powerful example of disinformation” that “causes people to lose confidence” in the system. No, pointing out the problem isn’t the problem. Causing the problem is the problem.

Notably, every crime committed by an illegal alien is a crime that shouldn’t have happened in the first place. Spare me the deception about how immigrants commit crimes at lower levels than citizens when there is no database to track crimes based on immigration status. Spare me the notion that it’s xenophobic to not want violent criminals pouring across our border. Spare me the phony indignation about whether Trump is literally accurate to call it an “invasion.”

Vance clearly took Raddatz to the woodshed, but ABC’s headline was defiant: “Vance stands by Trump’s false claims about Venezuelan gangs in Aurora, Colorado.”

The real story is that the Leftmedia stands by the Biden-Harris open border and its manifestly bloody results.

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