The Patriot Post® · Google's Election Interference, Part II

By Thomas Gallatin ·

Two months ago, I noted how Big Tech giant Google has been putting its thumb on the search result scales of the presidential election. The world’s largest search engine has been controlling the information people access by both elevating pro-Kamala Harris and Democrat-friendly outlets as well as burying pro-Donald Trump and Republican-friendly media outlets.

Well, the problem isn’t going away, even as Google ridiculously insists that blatant bias does not exist. Evidently, it’s just our lying eyes. And the data.

The Media Research Center released a new study shining even more light on Google’s interference. Researchers found that right-leaning news outlets routinely get short shrift. In running a Google search for “Kamala Harris presidential race 2024” and “Donald Trump presidential race 2024,” the researchers found that both produced results that were dominated by Leftmedia sources, including CNN, The New York Times, The Washington Post, and Time. The first U.S.-based right-leaning media source, which happened to be Fox News, did not show up until page 11 of Google’s search results.

Why is this important? Because, for example, a Pew Research survey from last year found that a growing number of Americans are getting their news from Internet search engines. That amounts to 15% of American adults last year, up from 13% in 2022 and 11% in 2021.

Google is seeking to steer people to only Leftmedia news outlets. Given this blatant bias and that of the mainstream media, it’s a wonder that Republicans ever win elections. Imagine what the political landscape would look like if the mainstream media were even remotely evenhanded in the coverage of politics and culture. Imagine if Americans weren’t being fed a steady diet of Leftmedia propaganda. Many of those issues currently roiling our nation, like mass illegal immigration and “transgenders” playing in girls’ and women’s sports, would only be jokes.

Protecting one’s side of the political aisle rather than challenging its extreme elements results in a blindness to the bad and an inability to call it out.

Trump responded to the report, stating, “It has been determined that Google has illegally used a system of only revealing and displaying bad stories about Donald J. Trump, some made up for this purpose while, at the same time, only revealing good stories about Comrade Kamala Harris.” He has promised to prosecute this “ILLEGAL ACTIVITY” if he wins the presidency. Let’s hope so.

Both Democrats and Republicans blast Big Tech, such as Facebook and Google, but for entirely different reasons. Democrats want social media companies to engage in more blatant and biased censorship, whereas Republicans want Big Tech to dial it back and let people speak freely, much as the Founding Fathers did.

Democrats used to trumpet freedom of speech and the need to protect it. Now, they trumpet cracking down on speech because it can be too dangerous to let people say what they want to say and read what they want to read.

The truth is that our Big Government nanny state can’t afford to allow criticism of its ongoing infringement of Americans’ liberty because doing so might wake people up to the fact that Washington is only looking out for its own interests and not those of the American people.