The Patriot Post® · Son of Hamas Exposes the Hollowness of the Left's Savior Complex

By Emmy Griffin ·

Leftists’ turn toward anti-Semitism stems from their objection to colonialism and what they perceive as “oppressive” actions against a whiter race of people. To leftists, the Palestinians are brown Arabs, and the Israelis are Western-looking white people who, therefore, must be bad. The oppressor vs. oppressed narrative is typified by the reports of Gaza’s children being killed or starved and displaced by war. “Stop the genocide!” their activists cry.

Those who think like this are giving credibility to bona fide terrorists who, for starters, are hiding behind civilians, including children. These same terrorists have told the world that they do not value life. At the same time, these terrorists are happy to plaster the faces of dead Gazan children all over the world in the hopes of dividing allies and sowing confusion. For the Left in America and other Western countries, it’s working.

A perfect example of this is Cenk Uygur of the left-leaning podcast “Young Turks.” Recently, on Piers Morgan’s show “Uncensored,” Uygur faced off against Mosab Hassan Yousef, son of one of Hamas’s cofounders and survivor of an honest-to-goodness fascist regime. To say that Uygur is incoherent and morally blind is probably being too kind. Here is what he said:

What they did on October 7th is terrible. I hate any civilians being killed. I hate terrorism. That’s why [Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu is an awful, disgusting terrorist. He’s killed 30-40 times the number of civilians that [Hamas leader Yahya] Sinwar did. What an awful, despicable terrorist he is. So now, guys, October 7th can be terrible, but at the same time, you must acknowledge the power dynamic of who is stronger and who is not. Why does that make a difference? Because the Nazis were the more powerful force. They had every ability to wipe out the Jews, and they tried. The powerful force, Goliath, the Nazis, were a powerful force, were horrible for what they did to the Jews.

Here, it should be noted that Uygur’s argument throughout his interview is that Israel is the colonizer; the Jews, who ostensibly don’t have a historic claim to the land, are being bullies. But then he constantly references David and Goliath (calling the Palestinians “David” and the Israelis “Goliath”). Where does he think that story came from? Israel was fighting to defend its land from invasion by the Philistines (see 1 Samuel 17). Not only is history repeating itself, but the modern-day Muslim Arabs were established in the seventh century AD; King David ruled roughly between 1010 and 970 BC. Uygur debunks his own position by even making the reference.

He goes on to try to prove he’s not a total ignoramus of history by detailing:

When the French Resistance fought back and killed German civilians, it might have been the wrong strategy; it might have been immoral to kill German civilians, but the French Resistance was not, “Oh, they’re trying to wipe out Germans from existence. The French Resistance was bad and should surrender to the Nazis.” No, they were the powerless. The powerless always do ineffective violence that we call terrorism. And then to say, no, it’s their fault, that the powerless are going to somehow wipe out the powerful, no, you’re framing it in a way that is totally hypothetical and theoretical because you want to avoid the reality of what is actually happening in the world, which is the Israelis wiping out the Palestinians.

Again, it was not Israel that shattered the peace on October 7 but Hamas and, by extension, Iran, which has been pulling strings and using terror proxies in the region to try to wipe out Israel. But Uygur is convinced that a Palestinian genocide is happening. Yousef responded to Uygur’s demented rant thus:

Where do I begin to analyze the mental state of this self-proclaimed savior of the Gaza children? He really touched my heart. Who authorized you to speak on behalf of the Arab children of Gaza? Who authorized you? You’ve never been there. You don’t care. And now you think you hold the higher moral ground; you don’t. You are not a savior. You always need a victim in order to pose as the savior. You’re not the savior. First, learn how to control yourself. Learn how to control your tongue-buds before you try to control the world.

Here, Yousef exposes the patronizing element of Uygur’s positions. Uygur can sit in his comfortable chair and spew utterly ignorant nonsense while proclaiming himself to be fighting for the children of Gaza. The war going on is a political and religious one, not an oppressor-oppressed, colonial, or race-based one. Uygur, by claiming to be heartbroken for the children of Gaza, is aiding and abetting Hamas, which is oppressing them. The truly powerless ones in this whole tragedy are the children having to be used as human shields for Hamas — which Yousef goes on to say.

It’s a big situation in Gaza; all of us are heartbroken for the death of the children of Gaza. All of us. That includes Israel. Israel considers what’s happening in Gaza a tragedy. It’s a tragedy made up by the terrorists that you sympathize with, that you want to want to validate and legitimize. Then we will have to deal with the chaos that you create, your emotional being going all over the place.

In college, I took a course that covered the strategies and impact of overseas mission work. One of the biggest takeaways was that when Western aid of any kind comes into a third-world community, it actually has a tragically adverse effect on the community, which spirals into more deprivation and need. Similarly, when a podcast host like Uygur — who knows next to nothing about what is going on in Gaza (let alone Israel) — calls the offended side the Nazis and terrorists, it helps neither the Palestinian children nor the victims of October 7.

Yousef articulates the crux of the problem with leftists and their incoherent position on the Israel/Hamas conflict:

So before you speak against the prime minister of a democracy and accuse him of being a terrorist, you need to look at yourself in the mirror. You have been supporting Hamas, and it’s recorded against you for eternity. So don’t play the game now that your fight is for the children in Gaza. This is not your fight. You know who is fighting for the children of Gaza? The IDF that is killing Hamas, that is uprooting Hamas so the children of Gaza can have their freedom after 36 years of slavery. Those are the ones who are qualified to speak on the topic. Not you, sitting in your comfort and you want to have an opinion about it. This is the problem that we have to deal with: scumbags like this.

Hamas is the root of Gaza’s problems, not Israel. Western leftists have no idea what the conflict is about, yet they moralize and preach to those who are still reeling from an unprovoked slaughter while actively working against them to prop up Iran, the aggressor in the whole war.

These emotionally incontinent fools would rather the whole world fall into the hands of the worst people than do what is necessary to protect those innocents about whom they claim to care. They would rather the Middle East be swallowed up by Islamic extremism than support the only country in the region that has democracy and is a haven for liberty and human rights.