The Patriot Post® · Thursday: Below the Fold

By Douglas Andrews, Thomas Gallatin, & Jordan Candler ·


  • Harris goes all in on amnesty for illegals: Illegal immigration is a top issue for voters. Kamala Harris has repeatedly flip-flopped, touting herself as some hardcore prosecutor for border enforcement while at the same time blaming Donald Trump for the fact that she and Joe Biden have not been able to stem the flow of illegal aliens. Of course, the real reason Democrats favor the open border is that they see it as a means of building a voter base. In a recent interview with MSNBC, Harris was challenged by host Julio Vequeiro: “Right now, we’re talking about border security, and there’s nobody, no Democrat, talking about a pathway to citizenship, immigration relief, benefits that migrants bring to this country.” Harris responded, “I am. I am talking about it. … America is a country that was built in part by immigrants.” Vequeiro noted Trump’s mass deportation proposal, to which Harris responded, “We need smart, humane immigration policy that includes a pathway to citizenship.” In other words, amnesty for illegals. This has been the ploy the entire time: refuse to secure the border until Congress passes mass amnesty.

  • Migrants are rushing north, hoping for a Harris win: If, as Kamala Harris has repeatedly claimed, the Biden-Harris administration is getting border security and illegal immigration under control, then why are thousands of migrants rushing to get to the U.S. southern border? Not only do they aim to get into the U.S. before the election, but they hope for a Harris victory. As one Venezuelan migrant said, “I love Kamala Harris.” A migrant from Ghana added, “We do not like Donald Trump because he don’t like us.” Confirming this sentiment, another Venezuelan migrant stated, “We know that if Donald Trump wins, all the migrants will be kicked out.” Currently, there are roughly 150,000 migrants in southern Mexico waiting for an opportunity to head north. Clearly, the idea of a Harris presidency does not deter illegal immigration. It’s just the opposite — a magnet and motivator for migrants.

  • Harris not sure what her top policy goal would be: At a town hall event in Pennsylvania yesterday, Kamala Harris was asked what her most important policy goal would be if elected president. In what has become typical for Harris, she avoided this softball question by answering, “Well, there’s not just one, I have to be honest with you. There is a lot of work that needs to happen.” She then pivoted and droned on about how Washington has gotten too partisan, hampering the ability of a president to accomplish major policy goals. “We’ve got to get past this era of politics and partisan politics slowing down what we need to do in terms of progress in our country, and that means working across the aisle,” she added. News flash for Harris: Politics has always been defined by partisan wrangling throughout American history. What’s troubling is that Harris either has no idea what her top policy goal is or, more likely, she’s unwilling to share it out of fear that it will be unpopular with most Americans.

  • Harris wants to force Christian hospitals to perform abortions against their will (The Federalist)


  • Walz says certain union leaders are cowards: The conventional wisdom for a presidential candidate’s VP pick is that it should be a Hippocratic one. That is, it should first do no harm. Kamala Harris, though, is no doctor. And her pick of hard-left Minnesota Governor Tim Walz instead of the more moderate, more intelligent, more likable Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro continues to prove disastrous. As the New York Post reports, the latest example of Walz’s missteps was a remark on Monday in which he said that “some of those union leaders didn’t show the courage they needed to” by refusing to do what unions have heretofore almost always done: endorse the Democrat. “That’s kind of a knucklehead statement,” said Teamsters President Sean O'Brien, using Walz’s dim-witted debate confession against him. “I show courage every day. It’s disrespectful to our members and the process.” The Post adds, “After endorsing every Democrat for president since 2000, the … Teamsters announced last month that it would not make an endorsement for just the second time since 1984.” It’s too late for a do-over, though, so Harris is stuck with Walz. And, on the bright side, he makes her seem almost competent by comparison.

  • Harris is in deep trouble: It’s not just that the last four polls in the RealClearPolitics average have Donald Trump leading in the national vote. Or that the latest poll from the normally unfriendly Wall Street Journal shows Trump ahead of Kamala Harris 49-46 in a head-to-head matchup, and up 47-45 in a matchup that includes independents and third-party candidates. It’s that Harris’s numbers beneath those numbers are even worse. “Views of Harris have turned more negative since August,” the Journal reports, “with her favorable rating eight points underwater and her approval rating as vice president at 42%-54%. Meanwhile, views of Trump have improved, with voters approving of his past performance in the White House by a 52%-48% margin.” Translation: It’s the unlikability, stupid. As if to emphasize Harris’s woes, Demo polling analyst Nate Silver weighed in on the latest polling. “My gut says Donald Trump,” he wrote. “And my guess is that it is true for many anxious Democrats.” Silver quickly equivocated, however, adding, “But I don’t think you should put any value whatsoever on anyone’s gut — including mine.” But let’s face it: When you’ve lost Nate Silver’s intestines, you’ve likely lost the race.

  • Doug Emhoff’s ex speaks out about alleged 2012 assault at Cannes Film Festival (NY Post)

  • LA Times editorials editor leaves company after owner forbids board from endorsing Harris (Just the News)

  • Humor: Democrats explain Trump was going to be Hitler during his first term, but he forgot (Babylon Bee)

Two-Tiered Justice

  • Praying Texas couple sentenced to prison for J6 “assault” on cops: January 6, 2021, seems like ages ago, and it was. But its costs are still being borne by everyday Americans. Such is the vindictive nature of the Trump-hating Left, which continues to mete out two-tiered justice. As The Blaze reports, “A Texas married couple who said police assaulted them while they were praying on Jan. 6 were sentenced to years in prison Oct. 22 on felony and misdemeanor charges stemming from their time outside the U.S. Capitol during protests and subsequent rioting.” The Blaze adds, “Mark Fulton Middleton, 54, and Jalise Kay Middleton, 54, of Forestburg, Texas, had asked [Obama-appointed] U.S. District Judge Randolph D. Moss to sentence them to home detention and probation, while the U.S. Department of Justice sought sentences of 7.25 years in prison for each.” Seven years? What on earth for? The DOJ website lays out the assault case against the Middletons, but caveat emptor. It’s hard to imagine that a 54-year-old woman could’ve seriously assaulted young and strong men who were likely twice her size and half her age. And, as The Blaze adds, “What prosecutors described as the couple preparing to throw their bodies against the police line was actually the Middletons facing each other and praying.”


  • DHS validated TDA gang members as refugees: To date, according to the Department of Homeland Security, more than 600 illegals with possible ties to the violent Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua are now in the U.S. Of course, “more than” could actually mean “a lot more than” if this administration’s history of number-fudging is any indication. Far more disturbing, though, is how they got here. As The Washington Times reports, the Biden-Harris DHS “greenlighted refugee applications for Venezuelan gang members after immigration officers failed to spot their gang tattoos. … Kevin Grigsby, head of refugee operations at U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, said several members of the vicious Tren de Aragua gang were approved and made it to the U.S. border before a different agency spotted the tattoos and blocked them from entering.” This, of course, is the same gang that’s been linked to the murders of Laken Riley and Jocelyn Nungaray, the shooting of NYPD cops, and the armed takeover of an Aurora, Colorado, apartment complex. Heckuva job, Alejandro. Heckuva job.

  • North Korean troops are in Russia and might be used in Ukraine war (WSJ)


  • Male athletes win 900 women’s medals: There is blatant unfairness in allowing males to exploit their natural physical advantage over female competitors in women’s sports. While the Rainbow Mafia downplays this reality, the evidence of athletic competition victories is undeniable. According to a new report from the Reem Alselen UN Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women and Girls, “By 30 March 2024, over 600 female athletes in more than 400 competitions have lost more than 890 medals in 29 different sports.” The UN report explained the obvious reason for this: Male athletes “have specific attributes considered advantageous in certain sports, such as strength and testosterone levels that are higher than those of the average range for females, even before puberty, thereby resulting in the loss of fair opportunity.” The report concluded, “To avoid the loss of a fair opportunity, males must not compete in the female categories of sport.” Hear, hear. The UN has proven the adage that even a blind squirrel can find a nut once in a while. The sad reality is that nearly 900 medals have been stolen from female athletes by males who should have never been allowed to compete against them in the first place.

  • Woke doc refused to publish $10 million trans kids study that showed puberty blockers didn’t help mental health (NY Post)

  • Mainstream media mislead on infant-mortality-rate increase (National Review)

  • Marine veteran temporarily booted off Delta flight for wearing “End veteran suicide” shirt (Fox Business)

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