The Patriot Post® · Monday: Below the Fold

By Douglas Andrews, Thomas Gallatin, & Jordan Candler ·


  • WaPo won’t endorse a candidate: The Washington Post is going back to its roots; at least, that’s the excuse the paper gives for deciding not to endorse a presidential candidate this election cycle. For the first time since 1972, the Post will not endorse either candidate, which means the Leftmedia outlet will not endorse the Democrat candidate, which it has faithfully practiced since endorsing Jimmy Carter in 1976. The decision certainly did not sit well with the paper’s editorial board, who were said to be uniformly “shocked.” Editor-at-large Robert Kagan, an ardent anti-Trumper, was so incensed that he resigned in a huff. The Post’s former executive editor, Martin Baron, blamed the decision on the Post’s owner, Jeff Bezos, asserting, “History will mark a disturbing chapter of spinelessness at an institution famed for courage.” Because, of course, it could never be that Kamala Harris is simply a terrible candidate.

  • Washington Post publisher says he killed Kamala Harris endorsement, not Jeff Bezos (NY Post)

  • Los Angeles Times owner’s daughter claims paper didn’t endorse Harris over her stance on war in Gaza (Just the News)

  • Humor: “She is as cool as a bratwurst”: The Babylon Bee editorial board endorses Kamala Harris for president (Babylon Bee)

  • We’ve disappointed Michelle Obama once again: Men, we hate to break it to you, but Michelle Obama is “a little angry” and “a little frustrated” with us. So much so, she says, “I lay awake at night, wondering what in the world is going on.” The former first lady was in Kalamazoo, Michigan, on Saturday to stump for Kamala Harris, whose campaign has ground to a halt in recent weeks. “The question,” Michelle continued, “isn’t whether Kamala is ready for this moment because by every measure [sic], she has demonstrated that she’s ready [sic]. The real — the real question is, as a country, are we ready for this moment?” If by “Are we ready?” she means, Are we ready for more crime, more inflation, more war, more counting by race, and more onerous government regulation? then the answer is probably going to disappoint her. Nonetheless, she couldn’t resist scolding us: “So fellas, before you cast your vote, ask yourselves: What side of history do you want to be on?” Maybe her petulance, condescension, and lecturing are all by design. Maybe they’re meant to make Kamala look less grating and cringeworthy by comparison.

  • Vance squares off with CNN’s Tapper on “fascism” smears: CNN’s Jake Tapper tried to ambush JD Vance yesterday on Donald Trump’s “fascism.” It didn’t go well. Vance refused to be bullied and flatly rejected Tapper’s out-of-context quotes about, for example, Trump’s plan to “use the military to go after the enemy within, which is the American people.” As the Washington Examiner reports, “The interview comes as former Trump administration officials are sounding the alarm over Trump’s alleged authoritarian tendencies and while Trump himself continues to create controversy with increasingly inflammatory rhetoric while campaigning.” Of course, those “former Trump administration officials” are “former” for a reason, and when Donald Trump is asked about anything he’d do differently from his first term, he goes right to this topic: hiring the right personnel. If Trump wins on November 5, you can be sure he won’t be bringing aboard any left-leaning globalists and disgraceful fabulists like James Mattis and John Kelly.

  • Rigging the election in VA: A federal judge on Friday ordered Virginia to reinstate roughly 1,600 noncitizens to the state’s voter rolls after they had been removed in accordance with the commonwealth’s law. Federal Judge Patricia Giles based her decision on a federal law that bans states from removing individuals from voter rolls within 90 days of an election. “This is a stunning ruling by a federal judge who is ordering Virginia to reinstate individuals who have self-identified as noncitizens back on the voter rolls,” Republican Governor Glenn Youngkin said in response to the decision. To make matters worse, Virginia’s previous Democrat governors have engaged in the very same action to clean up voter rolls within 90 days of an election and have not faced repudiation from the Justice Department. Youngkin has vowed to appeal all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court. Hopefully, he succeeds in getting these noncitizens removed from the voter rolls, as undermining election integrity — as this judge has done — is ridiculous and entirely non-democratic.

  • Trump endorsed by Arab Americans: At a rally in Novi, Michigan, on Saturday, Donald Trump noted a meeting he had with leaders from Arab American and Muslim American groups. Several of these leaders then came on stage and endorsed Trump for president, including imams from the Arab American Bar Association, who stated, “We as Muslims stand with President Trump because he promises peace, not war. We are supporting Donald Trump because he promised to end war in the Middle East and Ukraine.” Trump then observed, “Muslim and Arab voters could turn this election.” Whether or not Michigan’s sizable Muslim community turns out in significant numbers for Trump remains to be seen; however, it appears that fewer of them will turn out for Kamala Harris. The apparent sentiment of many in Michigan’s Muslim community is that the Democrat Party has failed them. Therefore, they will either not vote or vote for a third party.

  • Louisiana Dem switches to GOP, runs for House seat: One of the subtle indicators of where the political momentum resides can be found in who’s switching parties. One such switcheroo occurred recently in Louisiana, where, as Fox News reports, “Louisiana House candidate Elbert Guillory released an advertisement explaining his decision to switch from the Democratic to the Republican Party, arguing it is the GOP that has the history of championing the rights of the Black community.” Guillory is himself black, and he’s clearly had enough of the Democrats’ patronization. As he put it in a campaign ad, “It was the right decision, not only for me but for all my brothers and sisters in the Black community. The Democratic Party has created the illusion that their agenda and their policies are what’s best for Black people. Somehow, it’s been forgotten that the Republican Party was founded in 1842 as an abolitionist movement.”


  • Israel’s counterstrike on Iran: The world continues to burn under the Biden-Harris regime, with Israel making good on its promise to retaliate against Iran for its recent missile strikes on the Jewish state. The counterstrike took place Friday, and it was the largest-ever such action by Israel against Iran. Initial accounts say the strikes were a success. Said Richard Goldberg, a former White House National Security Council member and Iran expert: “We should understand that Tehran is naked right now, the ayatollah has no clothes. Israel destroyed Iran’s strategic air defense capabilities and set back its missile and drone production extensively.” As the Associated Press reports, “Satellite images show damage from Israeli attack at 2 secretive Iranian military bases,” adding that the strikes “damaged facilities at a secretive military base southeast of the Iranian capital that experts in the past have linked to Tehran’s onetime nuclear weapons program and at another base tied to its ballistic missile program.” The next move will be up to Iran, but we suspect it’ll be nothing more than a face-saver.

  • Iranian supreme leader now “seriously ill” (Daily Wire)

  • DHS to probe Chinese telco hacks that targeted Trump, Vance (Politico)

  • Drug dealers use fake online pharmacies and search engine loopholes to sell on Google (Washington Examiner)


  • Rewriting Israel on Wikipedia: Over the last few years, a group of some 40 veteran anti-Israel editors have been working to rewrite Wikipedia’s history of the Israel-Palestinian conflict. These editors have effectively erased the notion that Israel is the historic land of the Jews, as well as working to paint Hamas as not an anti-Semitic terrorist organization. For example, they removed a reference to Hamas’s 1988 charter wherein the group explicitly calls for the killing of Jews and the elimination of Israel. All told, the group has made over 850,000 edits to over 10,500 articles related to the topic of Israel and “Palestine.” It’s a massive propaganda effort passed off as a legitimate historical record.

  • Nevada women’s volleyball forfeits match after players refuse to compete against biological male (National Review)


  • More than 155,000 left the Great Lakes State for somewhere better last year (The Midwesterner)

  • Governor supersizes California’s film and TV tax credits to get Hollywood back to work (Deadline)

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