The Patriot Post® · We Return Aug. 12

As is our custom when Congress adjourns for its August recess, we also take a much needed break from the relentless schedule of deadlines each week. But unlike Congress, we’re sure you’ll be relieved when we come back!

When we do return next Monday, Aug. 12, we’ll look slightly different. Each edition of The Patriot Post you receive on Monday, Wednesday and Friday will now include our own original and penetrating analysis of news, policy and opinion in Digest form, as well as the insightful excerpts of conservative opinion from each Brief and a dash of the witty and outrageous quotes you see in each Chronicle.

We believe the new “all-in-one” format will be more concise and timely, without losing anything you, our readers, have grown to love over the last 17 years. Do you enjoy column excerpts? You’ll get them three days a week. Do you wonder what we think of Sunday’s big breaking news? Read it on Monday instead of waiting until Friday.

As always, you can easily manage your subscription preferences here.

Again, we’ll be back on the regular publication schedule on Monday, Aug. 12.