The Patriot Post® · FRC Shooter Gets 25 Years

Floyd Corkins, the man who walked into the Family Research Council’s DC headquarters last year and opened fire, was sentenced to 25 years in prison Thursday. Corkins, who volunteered for the DC Center for the LGBT Community, managed only to shot and wound a security guard before he was stopped, but he was carrying 15 Chick-fil-A sandwiches and planned to smear them on victims faces in retaliation for the chicken chain’s stance on same-sex marriage. Corkins was inspired by a “hate group” list compiled by the Southern Poverty Law Center, which is its own kind of hate group – they hate all conservatives.

Family Research Council’s Tony Perkins1 wrote of the ordeal: “Were it not for an ordinary man showing extraordinary courage, an activist bent on massacring an office of innocent people might have succeeded in silencing dozens of the FRC team – forever. Thursday, that man, Floyd Lee Corkins II, was held accountable in a court of law for his premeditated act of violence. … [T]he one man standing in the way of that carnage finally had an opportunity to look his assailant in the eye. Surrounded by his mom, girlfriend, and his FRC family, our friend and colleague Leo Johnson turned to Corkins and spoke the simple but powerful words of forgiveness. ‘I do forgive you, but I will not forget. My family will not forget. Seek God. He saved my life and yours…’ … In an eerie twist, prosecutors showed that he had written his target list on a preprinted, ‘With God all things are possible’ notepad – never knowing how true that statement would turn out to be. We can thank the Lord, and Leo, that of all the lone gunmen who’ve tried to take the lives of innocent Americans these last 24 months, FRC’s was the only attack in which the shooter did not achieve his goal.”
