The Patriot Post® · Boy Suspended for 'Finger Gun'

You can chalk up another example demonstrating the insanity of “zero tolerance.” An 8-year-old boy has been suspended for, well, being a boy. “The mother of an 8-year-old Central Florida boy is fighting back after her son was suspended from school for using his finger as a play gun,” reports Florida’s WKMG1. “There was nothing in his hand,” says the boy’s mother, Bonnie Bennet. "He used his thumb and index finger. It was a game. He made no threatening advances or threats to harm anyone. No words were said.“

Just last week, a boy in Rhode Island was suspended2 for having a keychain in the shape of a gun. Indeed, these stories are becoming all too common. We wonder how these anti-gun zealots would respond to this 1955 ad3
