The Patriot Post® · Vets Invade WWII Memorial
The Obama administration was holding its ground – against World War II Veterans with wheelchairs and walkers, visiting the World War II Memorial in DC yesterday. But the Vets entered anyway! Though we find it odd that they supposedly can’t afford to keep the Memorial open (it’s in open space without turnstiles or tickets) but they can afford to pay people with forklifts to put gates up to keep veterans out.
Last night seven National Park employees were ordered to erect fences to guard the Memorial from another Veteran assault. As one observer noted, that is two more “guards” than our diplomats had in Benghazi. That notwithstanding, Vets returned again today, prepared to run the gauntlet, with a few members of Congress along. Realizing that their blockade was not serving Obama’s “feel the pain” agenda, a Park Service spokeswoman, Carol Johnson, announced this afternoon, “The NPS has granted veterans access to the World War II memorial as part of a First Amendment activity.” Right, and not a minute too late!
(Hat tip for the pics: Charlie Spiering1)