The Patriot Post® · If You Think the Launch Failed...

Gosh, could anyone have predicted that the O'care launch would have been an epic fail? After more than $600 million was spent for software, hardware and countless hours of bureaucratic “management and oversight,” most users can’t get beyond page one. However, the failed launch of O'care is but a small metaphor for the experience consumers are going to have dealing with this bloated government bureaucracy when trying to get even the simplest of issues approved or corrected in their accounts. Just wait until you have to deal with unionized government clerks to resolve problems. As Mark Alexander wrote, “From October 01 forward, every American of every political stripe who has any issue with health care, whether a hangnail or heart transplant, a delay in a doctor’s office or clearing critical care for a loved one, will tie blame for their discontent like a noose, around the necks of Obama and his Democrats.”