The Patriot Post® · Goracle's Living the Green Life!

Village Idiots

Al Gore: “I use only carbon-free electricity. Have 33 solar panels on my roof, seven deep geothermal wells under my driveway, LED lights and highest-grade energy-saving windows, max insulation, hybrid plug-in car, etc. No fountains, btw. What you can do? Make smart choices for low-carbon options in the marketplace, make sure you divest from carbon-intensive stocks; be a smart and active citiizen! Let politicians know the climate crisis MATTERS to you – A LOT – that you will WORK and contribute to candidates who really champion solutions – and that you will seriously work hard to DEFEAT candidates who ignore climate or take the wrong positions on climate. Help put a price on carbon in the market and put a price on denial in the political system.”

This coming from the man who takes routine junkets around the globe by private jet in order to “save” the planet from … carbon emissions.