The Patriot Post® · Mission Accomplished?

For the Record

Columnist Jonah Goldberg1: “MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski tried to call the helpline and got an operator. That’s right: an operator! The call went through! MSNBC, the unofficial AV department of the Democratic Party, had a scoop. The network tweeted out the big news along with a link to the video: ‘Mika called the Obamacare hotline and got through with no problems – right on air. WATCH.’ It’s a sure sign that the bar has been lowered to curb height when spinners are touting the exciting news that phone calls actually go through. Someone picked up the phone! Quick, hang that ‘Mission Accomplished’ banner. Never mind that you simply cannot buy insurance from the exchanges over the phone. But the fact you can get someone on the line to tell you that is, I suppose, progress of a kind. … [T]here’s an old saying: ‘The plural of anecdote is data.’ Now we’ve entered the era of, ‘The singular of anecdote is data, too.’”
