The Patriot Post® · ONLY $680B Added to Deficit$680b-added-to-deficit-2013-10-31

The Treasury Department found that only $680.3 billion was tacked on to the federal deficit in FY 2013 ending September 30 – a 5-year low. Compare this with the $1.09 trillion added to our debt burden in FY 2012. However, the federal government brought in record tax revenue totaling $2.77 trillion – and they still can’t manage to break even. This will come as a shocker to Barack Obama and Congress, but lowering overspending to just $680.3 billion doesn’t solve any issues. As economist Bricklin Dwyer observes, “Politicians have, thus far, avoided the most difficult choices – addressing unsustainable spending on entitlements such as Medicare and Medicaid.” So just like all those subpar economic reports the White House calls “good news,” this one looks just as bad.