The Patriot Post® · Americans Flee High Taxes

Americans are fleeing liberal states in droves. This leaves folks like MSNBC’s Timothy Noah wondering, “Why are Americans by and large moving away from economic opportunity rather than toward it?” Political analyst Michael Barone notes that, “Between 1970 and 2010 the population of New York state increased from 18 million to 19 million.” Compare this to Texas whose population jumped by 14 million during those four decades. The statistics are even more revealing in major urban areas. Concerning Noah’s question, “it’s not puzzling at all,” asserts Barone. “Contrary to Noah’s inference, people don’t move away from opportunity. They move partly in response to economic incentives, but also to pursue dreams and escape nightmares.” For Americans that value the family, high-cost locations are big disincentives. But for liberals, this is a virtue that’s difficult to understand.