The Patriot Post® · Village Academic Curriculum: Socialist Brotherly Love

If the Philadelphia City Council has its way, high school students in the City of Brotherly Love will soon be learning U.S. history as told by socialist Howard Zinn. The council recently approved a resolution calling for the incorporation of Zinn’s “A People’s History of the United States” into public high schools. The resolution claims the book “emphasizes the role of working people, women, people of color, and organized social movements in shaping history; not simply the version retold by those powerful enough to ensure history remembers their actions in a positive light, regardless of the truth.”

Well, at least the resolution got the “regardless of the truth” part correct. For in reality, Zinn’s book is little more than a skewed presentation of history that attempts to paint the story of America in strokes of class warfare, racial prejudice and gender inequality. Of course, this is hardly surprising given that Zinn is an open socialist apologist and Castro supporter. The resolution itself is non-binding as any change in curriculum requires approval of the school district superintendent and board. But the fact that the Philadelphia City Council, meeting just blocks from Independence Hall, would call for socialist indoctrination of the young is cause for serious concern.