The Patriot Post® · ObamaCare's Goal

For the Record

Economist Thomas Sowell1: “ObamaCare is in many ways old wine in new bottles. For example, when confronted with the fact that millions of Americans stand to lose their existing medical insurance, as a result of ObamaCare, defenders of ObamaCare say that this is true only when those people have ‘substandard’ insurance. Who decides what is ‘substandard’? What is older than the idea that some exalted elite know what is good for us better than we know ourselves? … ObamaCare … began as supposedly a way to deal with the problem of a segment of the population – those without health insurance. But, instead of directly helping those particular people to get insurance, the ‘solution’ was to expand the government’s power over everybody, including people who already had health insurance that they wanted to keep. Since there has never been a society of human beings without at least some segment with some problem, this is a formula for a never-ending expansion of government power. Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid are all on record as believing in a ‘single payer’ system – that is, a government monopoly able to impose its own will on everybody. Even the current and future problems of ObamaCare can help them to reach that goal.”
