The Patriot Post® · Radical Universities
Faith & Family
Columnist Dennis Prager1: “For at least two generations, countless conservative parents have seen their adult children reject their core values. … [M]ost parents with traditional American and Judeo-Christian values have not thought it necessary to articulate these values to their children on a regular basis. They assumed that there was no need to because that was true for much of American history, when the society at large held those values. … [O]ne of the founders of progressivism in America, Woodrow Wilson, … said in a speech in 1914, ‘I have often said that the use of a university is to make young gentlemen as unlike their fathers as possible.’ Eighty-eight years later, the president of Dartmouth College, James O. Freedman, echoed Wilson: ‘The purpose of a college education is to question your father’s values,’ he told the graduating seniors of Dartmouth College. Even now, too few conservative parents realize how radical – and effective – the university agenda is.”