The Patriot Post® · WWII and ObamaCare

For the record: The time lapsed from the date O'Care was passed, 23 March 2010, to the date was to be operational, 01 October 2013, is 3 years, 6 months and 10 days. For comparison, from the date of our entry into WWII to the date of Germany’s surrender is one month LESS than Obama and his socialist cadres had to get their website operational. That would include our nation’s industrial surge ahead of the invasion of North Africa and Italy, D-Day, Battle of the Bulge, the race to Berlin, all while fully engaged on a second warfront in the Pacific. The EPIC FAIL of is a stunning metaphor for the predictable failure of all statist regimes! And might we add, generations of American vets have given their lives to “Support and Defend” our Constitution – it is time our nation demanded that Obama do the same!